
Returns the radius of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the radius to be calculated using a line, node, or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.


hm_morph_getdomainradius domainId ?(BaseAndAxis) | ((node|line) entityId)?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Returns the radius of a specified edge domain. Optional arguments allow the radius to be calculated using a line, node, or base point and axis to find the center of curvature.


The ID of an edge domain.
The ID of an edge domain.
x, y, z Base point is x, y, z
dx, dy, dz Axis is along dx, dy, dz
?(Line) entityId?
line entity Id - Specify 'line' and the line ID
?(Node) entityId?
node entity Id - Specify 'node' and the node ID
<none> - Default approximates the center of the edge domain.


To get the radius of a domain with ID 2:

hm_morph_getdomainradius 2

To get the radius of a domain with ID 2 and measured at 2.0, 5.0, 0.0 and normal to a vector that runs 1.0 in the x direction, 0.5 in the y direction, and 0.0 in the z direction:

hm_morph_getdomainradius 2 2.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.0

To get the radius of a domain with ID 2 and measured using node ID 12 as the center node:

hm_morph_getdomainradius 2 node 12

To get the radius of a domain with ID 2 and measured using line ID 3 as the center line:

hm_morph_getdomainradius 2 line 3

If the radius of the edge domain is not constant, an average is returned.

