
Identify and return information on thin solid surface groups.


hm_getgeometricthinsolidinfo entity_type mark_id ?option1=value1? ?option2=value2? ... ?optionN=valueN?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Identify and return information on thin solid surface groups.

The output is a list of lists, which includes the below information.

Basic output mode:
  • Estimated thickness value.
  • Solid ID (for solids input) or first surface ID (for surfaces input).
    • To get all surfaces within the connected section, take this surface ID and select all attached surfaces.

The basic output format looks like:

{thickness1 id1} {thickness2 id2} ... {thicknessN idN}
Advanced output mode:
  • Estimated thickness value.
  • Solid ID (for solids input) or 0 (for surfaces input).
  • 3 sub-lists containing the IDs of the surfaces in the master, slave and thickness groups.

The advanced output format looks like:

{thickness1 id1 {mastersurf1 mastersurf2 ... mastersurfN} {slavesurf1 slavesurf2 ... slavesurfN} {thicksurf1 thicksurf2 ... thicksurfN}} {thickness2 id2 {...} {...} {...}} ... {thicknessN idN {...} {...} {...}}


The type of entity to query. Valid values are surfs and solids.
The ID of the mark containing the input entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The advanced options that control the behavior. Multiple options can be specified, in any order.
The maximum angle for separating solid features. The default is the geometry feature angle.
The maximum thickness to be considered as a thin solid. Default is 0, meaning unlimited.
The output mode, either simple (default) or advanced. The advanced output includes the master, slave and thickness surface group details.
The ratio between the minimum (thickness) and middle (approximate width) dimensions. Default is 0.5.


Query thin solid info on solids 1-3 using defaults:

*createmark solids 1 1-3
hm_isgeometrythinsolid solids 1
{1.25 1} {2.5 3}

Query thin solid info on surfaces 1-10 using simple mode:

*createmark surfs 1 1-10
hm_isgeometrythinsolid surfs 1 mode=simple
{1.25 5}

Query thin solid info on solids 1-3 using advanced mode:

*createmark solids 1 1-3
hm_isgeometrythinsolid solids 1 mode=advanced
{1.25 1 {1 2 3 4 5 6} {7 8 9 10 11 12} {13 14 15 16}} {2.5 3 {101 102 103 104} {105 106 107 108} {109 110 111 112}}

Query thin solid info on surfaces 1-20 using advanced mode:

*createmark surfs 1-20
hm_getgeometricthinsolidinfo surfs 1 mode=advanced
{0.5 0 {1} {7} {13 14 15}} {1 0 {2 10 11 12 16} {3 4 5 6} {8 9 17 18}}


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
