
Returns a list of solver cards (template tags) for either the specified entity type or solver ID pool.


hm_getsolvercards entity_type –byentitytype


hm_getsolvercards id_pool ?search_type?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


This command returns a list of solver cards (template tags) for either the specified entity_type or id_pool. The syntax is different depending on the method chosen.

If entity_type is specified, this command returns a list of all solver cards related to the specified entity_type. The specified entity_type must be the fully qualified HyperMesh entity name (see hm_getentitybasename) In this method the –byentitytype flag must be specified otherwise the command will treat entity_type as id_pool.

If id_pool is specified, this command returns a list of all solver cards related to the specified id_pool. The optional search_type argument determines whether id_pool is specified as a pool name or a pool ID. Valid values for search_type are –bypoolid and –bypoolname. If search_type is not specified, it defaults to –bypoolid. This method is only applicable to templates that support ID pools.


To get the solver cards for properties:

hm_getsolvercards properties -byentitytype

To get the solver cards for the ID pool with ID 1:

hm_getsolvercards 1


hm_getsolvercards 1 –byid

To get the solver cards for the ID pool with name one_idpool:

hm_getsolvercards one_idpool -bypoolname


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error