
Returns a list of children include IDs or names either directly or using recursion.


hm_getincludechildren parent list_type recursive ?search_type?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Returns a list of children include IDs or names either directly or using recursion.


The include to consider as the parent for returning the children includes. A value of 0 indicates that the "master model" will be used as the parent.
The optional -byshortname and -byfullname arguments define how the parent is specified. Only one argument may be specified at a time. If no argument is specified, the parent is assumed to be specified by ID.
The type of include list to return. Valid values are:
id - Return the list of includes using IDs
shortname - Return the list of includes using short names.
fullname - Return the list of includes using full names.
A flag to indicate whether the returned list is recursive or not. Valid values are:
0 - No recursion. Only direct children are returned.
1 - Recursion. All children of the parent are returned.
By default, HyperMesh searches for the include using the short name. This option allows you to specify how the search for the include should be conducted. Valid values are:
-byshortname - The include is specified using the short name.
-byfullname - The include is specified using the full name.


To get the list of all children include IDs for include ID 2:

hm_getincludechildren 2 id 1

To get the list of direct children include shortnames for include full name C:/temp/my_include.txt:

hm_getincludechildren C:/temp/my_include.txt shortname 0 -byfullname


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
