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Boundary Conditions Menu

Boundary Conditions Menu

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Boundary Conditions Menu

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The Boundary Conditions menu lists options to setup various boundary conditions to the model including contact definitions, rigidwall definitions and initializing the components with stamping strain history. The menu varies slightly depending on the user profile that is selected.    

The BCs Manager tool can be used to create boundary conditions of any load collector type other than ACTIV. This tool combines required actions from several panels into one convenient tab interface, including the ability to create a boundary condition from both sets and individual nodes.

The Boundary Conditions > Contact submenu opens the Interfaces panel. Depending on the option you select, the appropriate type and card image field is automatically prefilled.    

The Boundary Conditions > Rigid Wall submenu opens the Rigid Walls panel. Depending on the option you select, the appropriate type and card image field is automatically prefilled.  

The Boundary Conditions > Results Initializer submenu opens the Process Manager tab for running the Results Initializer.  










LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review constraints on nodes through the Forces panel with load type set to BoundSpc.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review constraints on node set through the Load Collector panel with card image set to BoundSpcSet.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review constraints on node set through the BCs Manager panel with type set to BCS.


LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review force on nodes through the Loads panel with load type set to Nodepnt.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review force on node set through the Load Collector panel with card image set to LoadNodeSet.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review force on rigidbody through the Load Collector panel with card image set to LoadRbody.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review force on node set through BCs Manager panel with type set to CLOAD.


LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review gravity load on node set through the Load Collector panel with card image set to LoadBodyGen.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review gravity load on components through the Load Collector panel with card image set to LoadBody.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review gravity load on node set through the BCs Manager panel with type set to GRAVITY.

Initial Velocity

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review initial velocity on nodes through the Velocity panel with load type set to Initvel.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review initial velocity on node set through the Load Collector panel with card image set to Initialvel.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review initial velocity on node set through the BCs Manager panel with type set to INIVEL.

Imposed Acceleration

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review imposed acceleration on nodes through the Accels panel with load type set to PrcrbAcc.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review imposed acceleration on node set or rigid body through the Load Collector panel with card image set to PrcrbRgd.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review imposed acceleration on node set through the BCs Manager panel with type set to IMPACC.

Imposed Velocity

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review imposed velocity on nodes through the Velocity panel with load type set to PrcrbVel.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review imposed velocity on node set or rigid body through the Load Collector panel with card image set to PrcrbRgd.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review imposed velocity on node set through the BCs Manager panel with type set to IMPVEL.

Imposed Displacement

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review imposed displacement on nodes through the Constraints panel with load type set to PrcrbDsp.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review imposed displacement on node set or rigid body through the Load Collector panel with card image set to PrcrbRgd.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review imposed displacement on node set through the BCs Manager panel with type set to IMPDISP.


LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review pressure load on elements through the Pressure panel with load type set to ShellPres or Segmentp.

LS-DYNA user profile: Create, edit and review pressure load on element set through the Load Collector panel with card image set to Loadshellset or Loadsegset.

RADIOSS user profile: Create, edit and review pressure load on element set through the BCs Manager panel with type set to PLOAD.


Create, edit and review contacts through the Interface panel.


Create, edit and review contacts through the Interface panel with type and card image set to RWALL / RWGeometry / RPlanar.

Results Initializer

Starts the Results Initializer to initialize the components with HyperForm 1 step results. The Results Initializer is available in the LS-DYNA and RADIOSS user profiles.


See Also:

Crash Application