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Element Quality View Context Menus

Element Quality View Context Menus

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Element Quality View Context Menus

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Two context menu are used to dictate the Element Quality View: the Multiple Criteria Context menu and the Single Criteria Context menu.

hmtoggle_plus1greyMultiple Criteria Context Menu

When only the Multiple Criteria legend is activated, the Multiple Criteria Context menu can be accessed by clicking your right mouse button.


This Multiple Criteria Context menu offers the following options:



No Result As

Change how elements that fail all of the 2D element criteria appear in the graphics area. By default, these elements are shaded in gray. You can make these elements invisible by selecting transparent.

Set Threshold Values

Set the threshold values to one of the following levels: worst, fail (default), warn, good, and ideal.

Note:When you select a different level to set the threshold values to, the values will reset to the values that are read from the current criteria file settings.

Edit Criteria

Opens the Criteria File Editor, from which you can edit the current 2D element criteria in the criteria file.

Note:As long as the Criteria File Editor is open, you cannot modify the legends in the Element Quality View.

Configure Quality View

Opens the Element Quality View Configuration dialog, where you can:

Change the color assigned to each criteria.
Select which element criteria you would like displayed in the Multiple Criteria legend.
Rearrange the order of the element criteria in the Multiple Criteria legend


hmtoggle_plus1greySingle Criteria Context Menu

When a single criteria legend is activated, the Single Criteria Context menu can be accessed by clicking your right mouse button.



This Single Criteria Context menu offers the following options:



Close XXX Legend

Closes the single criteria legend that is currently open and activates the Multiple Criteria legend.

Set Legend Range

Set the legend range of the threshold values by selecting one of the following options: good to worst, warn to worst, fail to worst, and min to max. This option is not enabled when the Quality Index legend is open.

Beyond Threshold As

Changes how the elements that have no results or have higher/lower values are displayed in the graphics area. The following display options are available: Transparent, Feature Lines, and Off (default).

Edit Criteria

Opens the Criteria File Editor, from which you can edit the current 2D element criteria in the criteria file.

Note:As long as the Criteria File Editor is open, you cannot modify the legends in the Element Quality View.

Configure Quality View

Opens the Element Quality View Configuration dialog, where you can:

Change the color assigned to each criteria.
Select which element criteria you would like displayed in the Multiple Criteria legend.
Rearrange the order of the element criteria in the Multiple Criteria legend