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Exporting Loads

Exporting Loads

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Exporting Loads

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Sessions can contain loads on geometry, loads on mesh that have been applied directly to mesh, and loads on mesh that have been mapped from loads on geometry.

When saving the model as an HM database, all load types are saved and are retrieved when you open the .hm file.  When exporting the model using an export template, only the loads on mesh are exported.  The loads on mesh that are exported may have been applied directly to mesh, mapped from geometry to mesh, or both.

The all/displayed option on the Export tab allows you to determine which loads are exported.

If all is selected, all the loads on geometry that have not been mapped (if any), are mapped to loads on mesh and all the loads on mesh are exported.

If displayed is selected, all the displayed loads on mesh are exported.  All the loads on mesh (both displayed and hidden) that are associated with the displayed loads on geometry are exported as well.  If any loads on geometry are displayed and have not been mapped, they will automatically be mapped to loads on mesh and exported as well.

See Also:

Introduction to Loads on Geometry

Terminology and Definitions

Application of Loads to Geometry

Visualization of Loads on Geometry and on Mesh

HM-4040: Working with Loads on Geometry