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Geometry Generation/Cleanup

Geometry Generation/Cleanup

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Geometry Generation/Cleanup

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The following options are available from the Geometry menu:  



Performs automatic geometry cleanup and prepares it for meshing based on the parameters set in the BatchMesher criteria file, which can be edited from this panel.

Comparison Tool

Perform a model-based CAD-CAD, CAD-FE or FE-FE comparison between two models, or two selections of entities. You can also use this tool to find and report on geometrical/shape differences.  

Create Single Component

Opens a dialog to create a single component.

Create CFD Components

Functionality to define the standard CFD collectors. In the dialog, the commonly used collectors names, such as inflow, are pre-selected. Components can be added or removed from the list and a multiplier for each component can be defined. By clicking Create the selected components are created and appear in the Model browser.


Find and delete pinholes, fillets on surfaces and surface edges and duplicate surfaces.

Delete panel

Delete data from a model database, preview and delete empty collectors and preview and delete unused property collectors, material collectors, or curves.


Determine the distance between two nodes/points or the angle between three nodes/points, or to change distances or angles.


Create a surface and/or mesh by dragging a series of nodes or lines, or to create elements by dragging selected elements.

Edge Edit

Modify surface edges.

Geom Match Topology

Fix gaps between stitched edges and vertices to make the actual geometry of the surfaces consistent with the model topology.


Determine the length of a selected group of lines.

Line Drag

Create a two or three dimensional surface and/or mesh or elements by dragging nodes, lines, or elements along another line.

Line Edit

Split, join, or extend lines.


Create lines using a wide variety of methods.

Mass Calc

Obtain the mass, area and/or volume of a selected group of elements, solids, or surfaces.

Metadata to CAE

Take metadata generated as part of the CAD import process and use it to setup CAE models.


Extract the midsurface representation of a solid part.


Create nodes using a wide variety of methods.

Node Edit

Associate nodes to a point, line, or surface/solid face; move nodes along a surface; place a node at a point on a surface; remap a list of nodes to a line; or project nodes to an imaginary line passing through two nodes.


Display the normal of an element or surface, adjust the orientation of element normals and reverse the normal of an element or surface.


Display the IDs of an entity.


Reorganize your database by copying or moving data (entities) among collectors or includes.

Point Edit

Perform many point-specific geometry cleanup tasks.


Create free points using a wide variety of methods.


Project data entities to a plane, vector, surface, or line.

Quick Edit

Many tools for rapid editing of model geometry.


Reflect portions of a model about a plane, changing the selected portion into a mirror image of itself.


Renumber entities.


Rotate entities around an axis in space.


Increase or decrease an entity’s dimensions.

Solid Edit

Modify solid entities, including trimming and/or splitting solids and merging solids into a single entity.


Create solid geometry using a wide variety of methods.


Create a surface and/or mesh or elements by spinning a series of nodes, a line or lines, or a group of elements about a vector to create a circular structure.

Surface Edit

Allows you to perform a variety of surface editing, trimming and creation functions.


Create surfaces using a wide variety of methods.


Create rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.


Move entities in a single specified direction.


Create a vector entity.



See Also:

CFD Modeling