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Optimization Responses entityOptimizationResponses-24

Optimization Responses entityOptimizationResponses-24

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Optimization Responses entityOptimizationResponses-24

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Optimization response entities are used to define and store model responses for optimization problems.  Optimization responses are shown under the OptimizationResponse folder within the Model browser.  The Optimization View can be utilized to create, edit, and delete optimization problems.

Optimization responses do not have a display state.

Optimization responses have an active and export state.  The active state of an optimization response controls the listing of the optimization response in the Model browser and any of its views.  If an optimization response entity is active, then it is listed in the Model browser and any of its views.  If an optimization response entity is inactive, then it is not listed in the Model browser or any of its views.

The export state of an optimization response entity controls whether or not that optimization response is exported when the custom export option is utilized.  The all export option is not affected by the export state of an optimization response.  The active and export states of optimization response entities can be controlled using the Entity State browser.

The data names associated with optimization responses can be found in the data names section of the HyperMesh Reference Guide.


The following panels can be used to create and edit optimization responses:



Solver Card Support for Optimization Responses


An optimization problem is set up by defining responses, which are in turn constrained or set as objectives.

Design variables identify the varying quantities in an optimization problem.

All of the optimization panels are available from the Optimization menu when the OptiStruct user profile is loaded.


Supported Card

Solver Description

Supported Parameters



Generic response. Supported as a response entity.


Defined in the Responses panel.  (All response types except function.)


Function response. Supported as a response entity.


Defined in the Responses panel. (Use function response type.)


External response. Supported as a response entity.


Defined in the Responses panel. (Use external response type.)


Design objective for target optimization


Defined in the Responses panel.


The weighting applied to modes for response types WFREQ, COMB. Automatically created within relevant subcase definitions on export.


Defined in the Responses panel for WFREQ and COMB response types




Defined in the Responses panel.




Defined in the Responses panel.




Defined in the Responses panel.




Defined in the Responses panel.


The weighting applied to compliances for response types WCOMP, COMB.  Automatically created within relevant subcase definitions on export.


Defined in the Responses panel for WCOMP and COMB response types.


Some of the functionality of the optimization capability is general. This includes the equation utility, delete, rename, renumber, and reorder functions. To set up an optimization problem, responses, an objective function and constraints need to be defined.  Further, design variables need to be defined. The optimization panels have separate Delete, Rename, Renumber, and Reorder panels to manipulate optimization entries.  These can be reached through the Optimization menu.


Supported Card

Solver Description

Supported Parameters



Defines a set of structural responses that is used in the design either as constraints or as an objective.


Generic response


Defines equation responses that are used in the design, either as constraints or as an objective.


Function response


See Also:

Model browser

Optimization Browser View

Entity State browser


Entities & Solver Interfaces

Include Files
