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Positions entityTransformPosition-24

Positions entityTransformPosition-24

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Positions entityTransformPosition-24

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Position entities contain the Set Name referenced in the *NMAP keyword, and a list of transformations that need to be applied on the given Node Set.

Create Positions in the Model and Solver browsers. When creating a Position in the Solver browser, one Position and one Transformation entity will be automatically created; when creating a Position in the Model browser, only one Position will be created, and Transformations must be created manually. Positions are organized in the Position folder within the Model browser and in the Model properties folder within the Solver browser. A Node Set and a list of transformations must be selected to complete a Position.

Positions have an active and export state. The active state of a position controls the listing of the position in the Model browser. If a position entity is active, then it is listed in the Model browser. If a position entity is inactive, then it is not listed in the Model browser.

The export state of a position entity controls whether or not that position is exported when the custom export option is utilized. The all export option is not affected by the export state of a position. The active and export states of position entities can be controlled using the Entity State browser.



Solver Card Support for Positions


Supported Card

Solver Description

Supported Parameters



Maps nodes from one coordinate system to another, and rotates, translates, or scales the nodal coordinates.

Entities (Node set containing the nodes to be mapped.)



A *NMAP keyword is generated for each Transformation listed in the given Position entity.


See Also:


HyperMesh Entities & Solver Interfaces

Include Files

Model Setup