Engineering Solutions

To Review or modify an existing HL Solver loadcase

To Review or modify an existing HL Solver loadcase

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To Review or modify an existing HL Solver loadcase

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1.Select the loadcase to be edited from the Laminate Browser.

The Define/Edit and Review/Results panes are populated with the selected loadcase definition.

2.Edit the data fields in the Define/Edit pane.

Data may be cut, copied from, pasted to, or deleted from the data fields using the toolbar, pull-down Edit menu, or CTRL+X, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, and CTRL+D respectively.

Clicking Clear will reset all fields to zero.

Each change is reflected in the Review/Results pane.

3.If desired, a new name for the loadcase may be entered in the Loadcase: field
4.Click Apply to save the changes for the current HyperLaminate session. (It is important to remember that the HyperMesh database is only updated on exit from HyperLaminate).

The final loadcase definition is displayed on the Review tab.