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Review/Results Pane

Review/Results Pane

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Review/Results Pane

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The Review/Results pane (the right-hand pane of the HyperLaminate window) allows you to review the information pertaining to the selected entity as well as displaying HyperLaminate Solver results for laminates. On selecting an entity in the Laminate Browser, the Review/Results pane displays the current definition of that entity.



For OptiStruct, Nastran and Ansys materials, all material property information for the selected material is displayed in the Review/Results pane. This information is updated as the definitions are altered in the Define/Edit pane.

For Abaqus materials, no information is displayed in the Review/Results pane.



For laminate definitions for all user profiles, the Review/Results pane a Review tab and several results tabs:

Stiffness/Material Matrix
Mid-Plane Results
Global System Results
Material System Results
Principal Results
Invariant Results


Information displayed on these results tabs is for the saved laminate definition, and is removed when the Update Laminate button is clicked. The results tabs reappear if you run the HyperLaminate Solver for the updated definition by clicking the Calculate button.

The Review tab is headed by the laminate name, the total number of plies in the laminate, and the total thickness of the laminate. This is followed by a description of the laminate, listing the plies in order from the bottom ply (most negative z), showing a graphical representation of each ply’s orientation and listing the referenced material, thickness, and orientation.

The Stiffness/Material Matrix tab provides the two sets of matrices. The first set of matrices are the composite shell stiffness matrices, more commonly referred to as the ABD matrices. The second set of matrices are the equivalent material matrices. These are used by many finite element solvers to represent the laminated composite as a homogenized shell.

The remaining results tabs present results of the HyperLaminate Solver.


HLS loadcases

For all user profiles, information for the selected HLS loadcase is displayed in the Review/Results pane. This information is updated as the definitions are altered in the Define/Edit pane.


Design Variables

For OptiStruct and Nastran user profiles, information for the selected design variable is displayed in the Review pane. This information is updated as the definitions are altered in the Define/Edit pane.



See Also:

HyperLaminate Module

HyperLaminate Environment

HyperLaminate Menus

HyperLaminate Toolbar

Laminate Browser

Define/Edit Pane

HyperLaminate Solver