HyperWorks Desktop

Session Browser

Session Browser

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Session Browser

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The Session browser displays the current session and all of the pages and windows it contains in a hierarchical view (using the session as the root).


Session browser




Displays all of the pages and windows currently open in HyperWorks Desktop.


Displays the ID of the page ("Untitled" is the default page name) and window (with the applied client name).


The current page layout is displayed in the Layout column.  The page layout can be changed by right-clicking the page layout image and selecting a new page from the page layout pop-up menu:


Note        Multiple pages can be selected prior to using this operation.


The Publish column allows you to determine whether (or not) the entire session or particular pages will be published.  Insert a checkmark next to the ones to publish.

Note:  See Publish Settings and Export Settings for additional information regarding the various publishing and export options that are available.

Show Page Tile

Checkbox allowing you to display or hide the page title. When unchecked, the title is hidden.


The client type of the window is displayed in the Client column.  The client type can be changed by right-clicking the current client type image and selecting a new client type from the client selection pop-up menu:


Note:Multiple windows can be selected prior to using this operation.

Save Model File

Determines if a model file (.hm or .mdl) for a given model client (HyperMesh or MotionView) window will additionally be saved when you save a Session File.

Save (checked)
Do not Save (unchecked)

Session Data Type

Determines the type of session data that will be written to the session file for a given window client.  The session data type can be changed by right-clicking the current data type image and selecting a new data type from the pop-up menu:



The model data itself will be written to the session file (currently only available for MV, HG, and HG3D).


A reference to a model file will be written to the session file.


Save Model File and Session Data Type settings are INDEPENDENT of each other.  For example, you can have Save Model File = Save and Model Data Type = Inline.  This will save a model file when you save the session file, and the session file will also contain the model data inline.  This is perfectly valid.  So are all other combinations likewise.
Both Save Model File and Session Data Type settings need to be written per window to the session file.  This guarantees that these settings will be properly persisted, read, and set per window.
There is NO requirement to have these settings as Preference Files settings.
Saving with the MotionView client has some specific behavior.  Please refer to Session Files and MotionView for additional information.




Reordering Pages in the Session Browser

You can use drag and drop method on the tree to reorder pages. Select one page at a time and drag it onto the target page (or one of its windows).  The dragged page will be inserted before the dropped page/window’s page.

You can also swap windows on a page using the drag and drop method.  To swap windows using this method:  select a window in the tree and drag it onto another one on the same page.