Background, engine related noise, and vibration problems are typically linked to engine orders that are harmonic multiples of the engine’s fundamental firing frequency. Understanding the order content of the problem signal is a way to identify the physical phenomenon that is causing the problem. To solve the problem, you can adjust the design parameters to modify the engine operation, which in turn reduces the problem orders.
The NVH Order Analysis Utility generates and post-processes engine order related data from an OptiStruct or Nastran frequency response analysis that contains either RPM-based loading subcases or order-based loading subcases.
When you launch HyperGraph 2D, the NVH preferences file is automatically loaded. However, you must activate the NVH Utilities preferences file before you can use the utility.
Preferences dialog The NVH menu is added to the toolbar.
NVH menu An NVH-Utilities tab is added to the browser. This browser tab contains the following sub-tabs: Load, Display and Study. It also contains icons for modal participation, NVH-Utilities Browser - Load tab/Subcase tab (Order Analysis)