From the Path Details dialog, click the Point tab to display the following options.
NVH-Utilities Browser – Load > Path > Path Details dialog > Point sub-tab (Transfer Path Analysis)
Option |
Description |
Input point description |
Used to describe the physical point, typically an attachment or connection point, associated to some transfer paths. It is divided into four levels, and these levels are used to aggregate contributions from all points sharing similar descriptions: |
L1: subsystem |
Enter a name for the subsystem the point belongs to, for example, Frt Susp. |
L2: component |
Enter a name for the component the point belongs to, for example Strut Cntr Mnt. |
L3: point |
Enter a name for the point, for example, LHS. |
L4: dofs |
Select DoFs at the point that paths are defined for. |
Point ID |
Enter the grid ID of the point. |
Point name |
Enter the name of the point. |
Point LCS |
Enter the analysis coordinate system, if any, defined at the point. |
Path label |
Label used to identify paths defined at the point. |
Reverse input direction |
Specify the reversed direction from the vehicle coordinate system. |
Advanced selection |
Specifies which control volume the point belongs to. |
Assign control volume |
Select a control volume and assign the point to it. |
Control volumes can be created, renamed and deleted using options from the Assign control volume drop-down menu. Upon selecting one of the options, a dialog is displayed to assist you in completing the task. |
Transfer Path Details - TF Tab
Transfer Path Details - Force Tab