Command Files

While HyperMesh is open it generates a Tcl file named command.tcl. This file is created at the start of a HyperMesh session if it does not exist. If the file already exists, HyperMesh adds the commands for the new session to the end of the original file.

Each time HyperMesh performs an operation that modifies something in the database (such as, create an entity, modify a value, import a model, and so on) the Tcl commands that are used to perform the operation, as well as any subsidiary commands, are written to the command.tcl file. These commands are known as HyperMesh Tcl Modify Commands. As an example, if you are in the Delete panel and decide to delete all of the elements in the model, the commands written out are:
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*deletemark elements 1

Those commands can then be used to create a new command script that performs an automation, or to recover previously performed steps.