Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise. Type: integer
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity. Type: integer
- basethickness
- The x component of the vector specifying the draw direction.
- boundaryskip
- Flag to indicate setting of the SKIP parameter.
- bufferzone
- 2 if buffer zone exists, 1 otherwise.
- componentlist
- The list of property IDs associated with the designvar (pointer value is property ID).
- componentlistmax
- The number of properties referenced by the designvar.
- config
- The value 116 for topography designvars.
- configname
- The solver keyword for the designvar. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise. Type: Boolean
- delxv
- The z component of the vector specifying the draw direction.
- designable
- Flag to indicate the draw direction .
- designthickness
- The y component of the vector specifying the draw direction.
- drawangle
- The draw angle in degrees.
- drawdirection
- The x, y and z components of the draw direction. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- drawdirectionx
- The x components of the draw direction. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- drawdirectiony
- The y components of the draw direction. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- drawdirectionz
- The z components of the draw direction. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- drawdirectiontype
- The type of the draw direction. Valid for hm_getvalue query only.
- drawheight
- The draw height.
- id
- The ID of the entity. Type: integer
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: integer
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in. Type: integer
- internalid
- The ID of the entity. Type: integer
- lowerbound
- The lower bound of the variables controlling grid movement.
- minimumwidth
- The bead minimum width.
- name
- The name of the entity. Type: string
- property
- The type of property referenced by the designvar.
- propertylist
- The list of property IDs associated with the designvar (pointer value is property ID).
- propertytypename
- The type name of the property referenced by the designvar.
- shapedesignvariable
- A non-zero value indicates that the property type is DVGRID, and the value is the designvar ID for the set of DVGRIDs.
- upperbound
- The upper bound on variables controlling grid movement.
- yorder
- 1 if bounds are specified on DTPG card, 0 otherwise.
- ytype
- Flag indicating if designvar is master (1) or slave (2).
Pattern Grouping Variables (applicable if PATRN is specified on DTPG card)
- anchorpointid
- The ID of the anchor node.
- firstgrid
- The ID of the first grid node.
- secondgrid
- The ID of the second grid node.
- type
- The ID of the second grid node.
- xorder
- The number of repetitions for cyclic symmetry UCYC.
- $TPG_BeadBoundarySkip
- Boundary skip indicating to leave certain nodes out of the design domain.
- $TPG_BeadBufferZone
- Establishes a buffer zone between elements in the design domain and elements outside the design domain.
- $TPG_BeadString
- Indicates whether DTPG card is defined for PSHELL, PCOMP, or DVGRID.
- Draw direction.
- $TPG_MasterDesvar
- DTPL identification number for a master pattern definition.
- $TPG_SecondGridX
- The x coordinate of the second point.
- $TPG_SecondGridY
- The y coordinate of the second point.
- $TPG_SecondGridZ
- The z coordinate of the second point.
- $TPG_SymmetryAnchorX
- The x coordinate of the anchor point.
- $TPG_SymmetryAnchorY
- The y coordinate of the anchor point.
- $TPG_SymmetryAnchorZ
- The z coordinate of the anchor point.
- $TPG_SymmetryNormalX
- The x coordinate of the first point.
- $TPG_SymmetryNormalY
- The y coordinate of the first point.
- $TPG_SymmetryNormalZ
- The z coordinate of the first point.
Pattern Repetition Variables (applicable if MASTER/SLAVE is specified in DTPL card)
- $TPL_RptnAnchorNodeId
- The ID of the anchor node.
- $TPL_RptnAnchorX
- The x coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnAnchorY
- The y coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnAnchorZ
- The z coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridId
- The ID of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridX
- The x coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridY
- The y coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnFirstGridZ
- The z coordinate of the first grid node.
- $TPL_RptnScaleX
- The x direction scale factor.
- $TPL_RptnScaleY
- The y direction scale factor.
- $TPL_RptnScaleZ
- The z direction scale factor.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridId
- The ID of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridX
- The x coordinate of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridY
- The y coordinate of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSecondGridZ
- The z coordinate of the second grid node.
- $TPL_RptnSysFlag
- Returns 0 if no coordinate system is used in defining the pattern repetition, non-zero otherwise.
- $TPL_RptnSysId
- The ID of the pattern repetition coordinate system when $TPL_RptnSysFlag is non-zero
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridId
- The ID of the third grid node.
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridX
- The x coordinate of the third grid node.
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridY
- The y coordinate of the third grid node.
- $TPL_RptnThirdGridZ
- The z coordinate of the third grid node.