
Contains information that is used by the HM_ExtAPI::GenerateMesh() function to set meshing parameters in interactive and batch meshing modes.


struct HM_GenerateMeshParamStruct {
int size;
double element_size;
int element_order;
int mesh_type;
int mesh_option_flags;
const char* param_file_path;
const char* criteria_file_path;
const char* BM_folder_path;
const char* MA_file_path;
int num_local_batcparamsets;
HM_BatchMeshParamSet* local_batchparamsets;


HyperMesh Ext API


This structure contains information that is used by the HM_ExtAPI::GenerateMesh() function to set meshing parameters in interactive and batch meshing modes.

The structure information is declared in hm_extapi.h.

The members are: size, element_size, element_order, mesh_type, mesh_option_flags, param_file_path, criteria_file_path, BM_folder_path, MA_file_path, num_local_batchparamsets, local_batchparamsets


Specifies the length, in bytes, of the structure. Use sizeof(HM_GenerateMeshParamStruct) for this member. This is used to distinguish the current version of HM_GenerateMeshParamStruct from possible future extended versions with additional members.
Specifies the mesh size. This member is ignored if the member param_file_path is not NULL.
Specifies the order (degree) of elements to generate. This member is ignored if the member param_file_path is not NULL.
This member can have one of following values:
HM_ELEMORDER_DEFAULT - First order elements are generated.
HM_ELEMORDER_FIRST - First order elements are generated.
HM_ELEMORDER_SECOND - Second order elements are generated.
Specifies the type of elements to generate. This member is ignored if the member param_file_path is not NULL.
This member can have one of following values:
HM_MESHTYPE_DEFAULT - Mixed mesh: triangular and quadrilateral elements are generated.
HM_MESHTYPE_TRIA - Tria mesh: only triangular elements are generated.
HM_MESHTYPE_QUAD - Quad mesh: mostly quadrilateral elements are generated.
HM_MESHTYPE_MIXED - Mixed mesh: triangular and quadrilateral elements are generated.
A set of bit flags that can be used to specify additional mesh generation options. This member is ignored if the member param_file_path is not NULL.
The value of this member can be a combination of the following flags:
HM_MESHOPTS_DEFAULT - Default parameters are used for mesh generation.
HM_MESHOPTS_EDGELINK - Forces edges in quadrilateral regions to have equal number of nodes.
HM_MESHOPTS_MESHALIGN - Improves global alignment of elements in generated mesh.
HM_MESHOPTS_FORCE_ELEMSIZE - Enforces specified element size and prevents smooth element size transitions between regions meshed previously with different element sizes.
Name of the text file containing parameters for meshing. If this parameter is NULL then parameters specified by members element_size, element_order, mesh_type, and mesh_option_flags are used to control mesh generation.
Name of the text file containing criteria parameters for meshing.
Name of the folder where HyperMesh writes out result files.
Name of the file to write out the model with realized mesh areas given as input in a call to the HM_ExtAPI::GenerateMesh() function and a mesh generated during the call. The file is written out in a format of HyperMesh model file. If this parameter is NULL then the file is not created.
The number of local batch mesh parameter/criteria file sets used for individual batch meshing of specified topology faces and/or components.
Pointer to an array of local batch mesh criteria/parameter file sets used by HM_BatchMeshParamSet for individual batch meshing of specified topology faces and/or components. The number of values in the array must not be smaller than the value specified by num_local_batchparamsets.

