
Returns the current value of the settings for edge and solid topology display.


hm_gettopologyoption option type


HyperMesh Tcl Query


This command returns the current display setting for the passed edge or solid topology option and the specified type value.

Valid option and type values are:

edge display – *settopologyedgedisplay setting (0 = off, 1 = on) for the passed type. Valid type values are 0 (free edges), 1 (shared edges), 2 (t-junctions), 3 (suppressed edges).

solid display - return the *settopologysoliddisplay setting for the passed type. For type values 0 (fin faces), 1 (full partition faces), 2 (bounding faces) the current setting (0 = off, 1 = on) is returned. For type value 3 (transparency), the transparency value (0-10) is returned.


To get the edge display setting for shared edges:

hm_gettopologyoption edgedisplay 1

To get the solid display setting for bounding faces:

hm_gettopologyoption soliddisplay 2

To get the solid display setting for transparency:

hm_gettopologyoption soliddisplay 3


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

If option is invalid, you will get the following error:

hm_gettopologyoption:  invalid option specified.

If flag is invalid, you will get the following error:

hm_gettopologyoption:  invalid option flag specified.

Version History
