
Find the new parameterization of a 2D parameterized points, using the given chordal deviation.


hm_lineapplychordaldev u_coords v_coords id_joints val_chordaldev


HyperWorks Tcl Query


This command returns the new parameterization of 2D points (u_coords, v_coords). The original parameterization (id_joints) is modified using the given chordal deviation (val_chordaldev). An empty string is returns if it isn’t possible to find a parameterization with the specified chordal deviation.

Look into hm_lineparameterization for the joints definitions.


To re-parametrize (new_joints) 2D points (u_coords,v_coords) with a chordal deviation of 0.5 (val_chordaldev), it is necessary to define the list of u points coordinates and v points coordinates and the to define the original parameterization using joints list.

set u_coords [list  0.000000    10.389167    10.799428    20.727764    23.423974    42.734559    49.901730    59.757235    67.861408    75.676024    91.959414    110.374456    112.949959    132.361140    133.266055    152.622247    160.284810    171.744063    179.946321    189.909714    203.083731    205.586958    208.036666    212.305623    213.262217    223.132359   ]

set v_coords [list   -0.000000    -19.358287    -41.323354    -62.178159   -65.989635 -70.947494    -72.348809    -74.493402    -77.463426    -79.283795    -84.868338    -88.764562    -89.196400    -89.578244    -89.509692    -86.233976    -84.091731    -79.320866    -74.689641    -71.649317    -64.896589    -63.951396    -58.390596   -48.089798    -5.161649    4.335985   ]

set id_joints [list 0 2 4 21 23 24 25]
set new_joints [hm_lineapplychordaldev $u_coords $v_coords $id_joints 0.5]
The final parameterization will be “0 2 4 9 13 21 23 24 25”.


An empty string is returned if it is not possible to find a parameterization with the specified chordal deviation.
if { [llength $new_joints]==0} { 
#Handle error here //I can't find the new parameterization.