
Find the chordal deviation of a 2D parameterized points.


hm_linechordaldev u_coords v_coords id_joints


HyperWorks Tcl Query


This command returns the maximum chordal deviation of 2D points (u_coords, v_coords). These points are parameterized and this parameterization is given by the joints id (id_joints). An empty string is returns, if it isn’t possible to value the chordal deviation. Look into hm_lineparameterization for the joints definitions.


To get the maximum chordal deviation value (max_chordaldev) of 2D points (u_coords,v_coords) given the relative parameterization (id_joints), it is necessary to define the list of u points coordinates and v points coordinates and the to define the original parameterization using joints list.

set u_coords [list  0.000000    10.389167    10.799428    20.727764    23.423974    42.734559    49.901730    59.757235    67.861408    75.676024    91.959414    110.374456    112.949959    132.361140    133.266055    152.622247    160.284810    171.744063    179.946321    189.909714    203.083731    205.586958    208.036666    212.305623    213.262217    223.132359   ]
set v_coords [list   -0.000000    -19.358287    -41.323354    -62.178159   -65.989635 -70.947494    -72.348809    -74.493402    -77.463426    -79.283795    -84.868338    -88.764562    -89.196400    -89.578244    -89.509692    -86.233976    -84.091731    -79.320866    -74.689641    -71.649317    -64.896589    -63.951396    -58.390596   -48.089798    -5.161649    4.335985   ]
set id_joints [list 0 2 4 21 23 24 25]
set max_chordaldev [hm_linechordaldev $u_coords $v_coords $id_joints]
The maximum chordal deviation value is 2.577.


An empty string is returned if it isn’t possible to value the chordal deviation with the given points, for example when the user inserts only one 2D point.
if { [llength $max_chordaldev]==0} { 
#Handle error here //I can't find the maximum chordal #deviation value.