Find the parameters of a 2D parameterized points.
hm_lineparameterization u_coords v_coords id_jointsType
HyperWorks Tcl Query
This command returns the parameters (params) of 2D points (u_coords,
v_coords), given the relative parameterization (id_joints).
These 2D points can be collects into consecutive arcs and segments. The connection points
between the arcs and the segments are called joints (id_joints) and are
identified with the id of the corresponding 2D points (u_coords,
v_coords). The command returns the parameters list. This list contains the
sequence of arcs and segments and the parameters that identified an arc or a segment. The
parameters are the following:
- params
N, sec_type, sec_start_id , sec_end_id, segm_lenght/u_center, angle/v_center, 0/radius, 0/angle1, 0/angle2, u_up_bbox, v_up_bbox, u_down_bbox, v_down_bbox,… ……………….. sec_type_i, sec_start_id_i , sec_end_id_i, segm_lenght_i/u_center_i, angle1_i/v_center_i, 0/radius_i, 0/angle1_i, 0/angle2_i, u_up_bbox_i, v_up_bbox_i, u_down_bbox_i, v_down_bbox_i … ……………….. sec_type_N, sec_start_id_N , sec_end_id_N, segm_lenght_N/u_center_N, angle1_N/v_center_N, 0/radius_N, 0/angle1_N, 0/angle2_N, u_up_bbox_N, v_up_bbox_N, u_down_bbox_N, v_down_bbox_N.
- N: number of the sections (arcs and segments) used to parameterize the 2D points.
- sec_type: the section type can be 1 in case of segment or 2 in case of arc.
- sec_start_id: section start point id.
- sec_end_id: section end point id.
- seg) segm_lenght: length of the segment.
- arc ) u_center: u arc center coordinate.
- seg) angle: angle between the segment and the horizontal axis.
- arc ) v_center: v arc center coordinate.
- seg) 0: dummy
- arc ) radius: arc radius
- seg) 0: dummy
- arc ) angle1: dummy
- seg) 0: dummy
- arc ) angle2: dummy
- u_up_bbox: u upper bounding box corner that contains the segment or the arc.
- v_up_bbox: v upper bounding box corner that contains the segment or the arc.
- u_down_bbox: u lower bounding box corner that contains the segment or the arc.
- v_down_bbox: v lower bounding box corner that contains the segment or the arc.
To get the parameters (params) of 2D points (u_coords,v_coords) given the relative parameterization (id_joints), it is necessary to define the list of u points coordinates and v points coordinates and the to define the original parameterization using joints list.
set u_coords [list 0.000000 10.389167 10.799428 20.727764 23.423974 42.734559 49.901730 59.757235 67.861408 75.676024 91.959414 110.374456 112.949959 132.361140 133.266055 152.622247 160.284810 171.744063 179.946321 189.909714 203.083731 205.586958 208.036666 212.305623 213.262217 223.132359 ]
set v_coords [list -0.000000 -19.358287 -41.323354 -62.178159 -65.989635 -70.947494 -72.348809 -74.493402 -77.463426 -79.283795 -84.868338 -88.764562 -89.196400 -89.578244 -89.509692 -86.233976 -84.091731 -79.320866 -74.689641 -71.649317 -64.896589 -63.951396 -58.390596 -48.089798 -5.161649 4.335985 ]
set id_joints [list 0 2 4 21 23 24 25]
set params [hm_lineparameterization $u_coords $v_coords $id_joints]
The “params” is:
2 0 2 -3.48875160217E+001 -3.11903247833E+001 4.67971687317E+001 0 2 0 0 1.07994279861E+001 -4.13233528137E+001
2 2 4 8.83823394775E+001 -1.71791915894E+001 8.12529907227E+001 0 2 1.07994279861E+001 -4.13233528137E+001 2.34239730835E+001 -6.59896316528E+001
2 4 21 1.12553962708E+002 1.09440757751E+002 1.96773925781E+002 0 2 2.34239730835E+001 -6.59896316528E+001 2.05586959839E+002 -6.39513969421E+001
1 21 23 1.72258739471E+001 6.70434265137E+001 0 0 0 2.05586959839E+002 -6.39513969421E+001 2.12305618286E+002 -4.80897979736E+001
1 23 24 4.29388046265E+001 8.87234573364E+001 0 0 0 2.12305618286E+002 -4.80897979736E+001 2.13262222290E+002 -5.16164922714E+000
1 24 25 1.36976184845E+001 4.38981437683E+001 0 0 0 2.13262222290E+002 -5.16164922714E+000 2.23132354736E+002 4.33598518372E+000
An empty string is returned if it isn’t possible to parameterize the given point.
if { [llength $params]==0} {
#Handle error here //I can't find the parameters.