Storing Results

After the model is created, hmmodlib requires that you call HMMOD_storeresults() before calling any results storage routines. This function allocates the memory required to store results, based on the calls made during the model creation phase.

You are now ready to store results on the model. For nodes, the following results can be stored:
A displacement (x, y, z) can be stored at each node.
Values can be stored at the centroid of the node. The number of values that can be stored is a user-defined number available at every layer in the model.
A value can be stored at the value of the node.
For elements, the following results can be stored:
Values can be stored at the centroid of the element. The number of values that can be stored is a user-defined number available at every layer in the model.
integration pt
Values can be stored at an integration point on the element. The number of values that can be stored is a user-defined number available at every layer in the model.
node on element
Values can be stored at a node on the element. The number of values that can be stored is a user-defined number available at every layer in the model.
A value can be stored at the value of the element.