hwbrowsermanager - collector

API to handle the customization and manipulation of the browser collector area.


hwbrowsermanager collector ?options?


HyperMesh Tcl GUI


hwbrowsermanager collector autofit [true|false]
Fits the model to the graphics window when a collector action is performed, depending on the option specified.
hwbrowsermanager collector current <window_name>
Sets the current collector for the specified window name.
hwbrowsermanager collector addremove display [true|false]
Sets the add/remove icon display to be on or off for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector addremove icon <enabled_icon> <disabled_icon>
Sets the add/remove enabled image and disabled image for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector addremove select [true|false]
Selects/deselects the add/remove icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector addremove show [true|false]
Enables/disables the add/remove icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector datasource simple connect
Connects the current simple datasource to the current browser collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector datasource simple current
Returns the current simple datasource for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector datasource simple current <datasource_name>
Sets the simple datasource name as the current simple datasource for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector datasource simple disconnect
Disconnects the current simple datasource from the current browser collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector datasource simple names
Returns the names of the simple datasources connected to the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector datasource simple isolateonly [true|false]
Enables/disables the isolate only option for the current simple datasource of the current collector in the current view. If set true, when the isolate button is used to select an entity from that datasource, only the selection is displayed and all other entities are turned off. If set false (default), the selection is isolated only within that specific datasource.
hwbrowsermanager collector entityselector display [true|false]
Sets the entity selector icon display to be on or off for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector entityselector icon <enabled_icon> <disabled_icon>
Sets the entity selector enabled image and disabled image for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector entityselector show [true|false]
Enables/disables the entity selector icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector isolate display [true|false]
Sets the isolate icon display to be on or off for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector isolate icon <enabled_icon> <disabled_icon>
Sets the isolate enabled image and disabled image for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector isolate select [true|false]
Selects/deselects the isolate icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector isolate show [true|false]
Enables/disables the isolate icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector option add <option_name> <option_caption>
Adds the given option name and option caption to the current collector option selector in the current view and sets the option current.
hwbrowsermanager collector option current
Returns the current option name for the current collector option selector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector option current <option_name>
Sets the given option name as the current option for the current collector option selector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector option names
Returns the option names for the current collector option selector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector option remove <option_name>
Removes the given option name from the collector option selector for current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector optionselector display [true|false]
Sets the option selector icon display to be on or off for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector optionselector icon <enabled_icon> <disabled_icon>
Sets the option selector enabled image and disabled image for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector optionselector show [true|false]
Enables/disables the option selector icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector pnlcolselector display [true|false]
Sets the panel collector selector icon display to be on or off for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector pnlcolselector icon <enabled_icon> <disabled_icon>
Sets the panel collector selector enabled image and disabled image for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector pnlcolselector select [true|false]
Selects/deselects the panel collector selector icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector pnlcolselector show [true|false]
Enables/disables the panel collector selector icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector preselector display [true|false]
Sets the pre-selector icon display to be on or off for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector preselector icon <enabled_icon> <disabled_icon>
Sets the pre-selector enabled image and disabled image for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector preselector select [true|false]
Selects/deselects the pre-selector icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector preselector show [true|false]
Enables/disables the pre-selector icon for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector selection addtopnlcol
The entities selected in the current collector in the current view will be added to the panel collector.
hwbrowsermanager collector selection hide
The entities selected in the current collector in the current view will be displayed off.
hwbrowsermanager collector selection isolate
The entities selected in the current collector in the current view will be isolated, depending on the collector datasource simple isolateonly option specified for the datasource.
hwbrowsermanager collector selection none
The entities selected in the current collector in the current view will not be operated on.
hwbrowsermanager collector selection show
The entities selected in the current collector in the current view will be displayed on.
hwbrowsermanager collector selection toggle
The entities selected in the current collector in the current view will have their display toggled (anything off will display on/anything on will be displayed off).
hwbrowsermanager collector undo display [true|false]
Sets the undo icon display to be on or off for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector undo icon <enabled_icon> <disabled_icon>
Sets the undo enabled image and disabled image for the current collector in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector undo perform
Performs the undo operation on collector actions in the current view.
hwbrowsermanager collector undo show [true|false]
Enables/disables the undo icon for the current collector in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager collector

hwbrowsermanager datasource

hwbrowsermanager state

hwbrowsermanager view

hwbrowsermanager window


An example browser script can be found in the HyperWorks installation at <altair_home>/hm/examples/scripts/browser_example.tcl.

