hwbrowsermanager - datasource

API to handle the customization and manipulation of the browser datasources.


hwbrowsermanager datasource ?options?


HyperMesh Tcl GUI


hwbrowsermanager datasource hierarchical connect [parent|child] ?<datasource_name>?

Connects the simple datasource (base) to the current hierarchical datasource. The parent option will set the simple datasource as the parent datasource. The child option will set the simple datasource as a child datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource hierarchical connected

Returns the connected hierarchical datasources.

hwbrowsermanager datasource hierarchical current

Returns the name of the current hierarchical datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource hierarchical current <datasource_name>

Sets the current hierarchical datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource hierarchical disconnect <datasource_name>

Disconnects the simple datasource name from the current hierarchical datasource. Note that a parent datasource cannot be disconnected from the current hierarchical datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource hierarchical names

Returns the names of all of the hierarchical datasources.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple caption

Returns the caption for the current simple datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple caption <caption_name>

Sets the caption for the current simple datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple connect <datasource_name>

Connects the simple (base) datasource name to the current scripted (custom) datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple connected

Returns list of the simple (base) datasources connected to the current scripted (custom) datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple create <datasource_name> <caption> ?<description>?

Creates a scripted (custom) datasource with the given name, caption and optional description. The given name <datasource_name> should be unique, caption (optional) usually will be used to show up in browser if supplied such as dependent folder name. <description> (optional) describe the new created datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple criteria create <criteria_name>

Creates a criteria object and sets it as current for the current scripted (custom) datasource. Criteria can only be applied to scripted (custom) datasources.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple criteria current

Returns the name of the current criteria object for the current scripted (custom) datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple criteria current <criteria_name>

Sets the current criteria object for the current scripted (custom) datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple criteria data <datatype value…>

Sets the current criteria object data values The <datatype value…> argument is formatted as:

double 10.0 integer 2 string "some"

Valid datatype values are: bool, double, int, or string.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple criteria delete

Deletes the current criteria object from the current scripted (custom) datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple criteria names

Returns all of the criteria names attached to the current scripted (custom) datasource

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple criteria type <typestring>

Sets the current criteria object to the specified typestring. Valid typestring values are:





hwbrowsermanager datasource simple current

Returns the name of the current simple datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple current <datasource_name>

Sets the current simple datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple dataitems

Returns all of the dataitems contained in the current simple datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple delete <datasource_name>

Deletes the scripted (custom) datasource with the given name.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple disconnect <datasource_name>

Disconnects the base datasource name from the current scripted (custom) datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple names

Returns the names of all of the simple datasources.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple operation current

Returns the name of the current simple datasource operation.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple operation current <operation_name>

Sets the current simple datasource operation.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple operation names

Returns the names of all the simple datasource operations.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple operation perform <operation_name> <input_name datatype value ...>

Performs the simple datasource operation with the given name. The <input_name datatype value ...> argument is formatted as:

"$name1 integer $newvalue1 $name2 bool $newvalue2 …"

Valid datatype values are: bool, double, int, or string.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple property create <ds_prop_name> 0 <ds_property_script>

Creates a scripted data property for current simple datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple property create <ds_prop_name> 1 <datatype> <attribute_id>

Creates an attribute data property for the current datasource. Valid datatype values are: bool, double, int, or string.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple property delete <ds_prop_name>

Deletes the scripted data property from current datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple property names

Returns all of the properties for the current simple datasource.

hwbrowsermanager datasource simple script names

Returns the names of all of the scripted (custom) simple datasources.


An example browser script can be found in the HyperWorks installation at <altair_home>/hm/examples/scripts/browser_example.tcl.

