hwbrowsermanager - view

API to handle the customization and manipulation of the browser view.


hwbrowsermanager view ?options?


HyperMesh Tcl GUI


hwbrowsermanager view create <view_name>

Creates a new browser view with the given name, and makes it the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view current

Returns the name of the current browser view.

hwbrowsermanager view current <view_name>

Sets the current browser view.

hwbrowsermanager view dataitem deselect ?<byprop|bypropval>? ?<propval>? ?<recursive>?

Deselects the dataitems of the current datasource in the current view. With this option a user can deselect the dataitems either by current property or with a particular value in the current property, or by the entire datasource.

hwbrowsermanager view dataitem select ?<byprop|bypropval>? ?<propval>? ?<recursive>?

Selects the dataitems of the current datasource in the current view. With this option a user can select the dataitems either by current property or with a particular value in the current property, or by the entire datasource.

hwbrowsermanager view dataitem selected ?<all>?

Returns all of the selected items or returns only the selected items in the current datasource if the “all” option is not supplied.

hwbrowsermanager view delete

Destroys the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view flush <true|false>

Sets the state of the browser flush operation. If browser flushing is disabled, performance of scripts will be improved as the browser is not being updated after each operation. This command should be used as pair at the beginning and end of a script. If the state is left false, the browser will not be updated.

hwbrowsermanager view names

Returns all of the view names.

hwbrowsermanager view column caption

Returns the caption for the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view column caption <"your caption">

Sets the caption for current column. By default if no caption is given, the column will display with its own name as the caption.

hwbrowsermanager view column create <column_name>

Creates a column for the current view with the specified name.

hwbrowsermanager view column create <column_name> <columntype>

Creates a column for the current view with the specified name and type.

hwbrowsermanager view column current

Returns the current column for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view column current <newcurrent>

Sets the current column for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view column delete

Deletes the current column from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view column italic <enabled|disabled>

Sets the italics display for the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view column justify <left|center|right>

Sets the justification of the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view column show

Returns the display state of the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view column show <true|false>

Sets the display state of the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view column sort <enabled|disabled>

Sets the sorting for the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view column width

Returns the width of the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view column width <size>

Sets the width of the current column.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource hierarchical connect

Connects the current hierarchical datasource to the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource hierarchical connected

hwbrowsermanager view datasource hierarchical names

Returns the hierarchical datasources connected to the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource hierarchical disconnect

Disconnects the current hierarchical datasource from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource hierarchical selected

Returns the selected hierarchical datasources from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource simple connect

Connects the current simple datasource to the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource simple connected

hwbrowsermanager view datasource simple names

Returns the simple datasources connected to the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource simple disconnect

Disconnects the current simple datasource from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view datasource simple selected

Returns the selected simple datasources from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view element create <view_element_name>

Creates a new element in the current view style for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view element connect property <property_name>

Connects the current element in the current view style with a property for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view element connect map <map_name>

Connects the current element in the current view style with a map for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view element current

Returns the current element in the current view style for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view element current <element_name>

Sets the current element in the current view style for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view element delete

Deletes the current element in the current view style for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view element names

Returns the names of all of the existing elements in the current view style for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view filter dataitemtype current

Returns the names of the filtered (shown) datasources for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view filter dataitemtype current <datasource_name1> <datasource_name2> …

Sets the list of filtered (shown) datasource names for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view filter group [true|false]

Sets the current filter list grouping state for the current view. If set true, the current filter list will be changed and grouped together by entity type If set false, the current filter list will be changed but not grouped together by entity type.

hwbrowsermanager view filter string current

Returns the current pattern used for filtering items in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view filter string current <filter_pattern>

Sets the current pattern used for filtering items in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view folder children byimage [true|false]

Sets the method of counting children in the current free folder for the current view. The folder image will be updated depending on the recursive value. If set true, children are counted within the current folder and all child folders. If set false, children are only counted within the current folder.

hwbrowsermanager view folder children bynumber [true|false]

Sets the method of counting children in the current free folder for the current view. The folder number will be updated depending on the recursive value. If set true, children are counted within the current folder and all child folders. If set false, children are only counted within the current folder.

hwbrowsermanager view folder create <free_folder_name>

Creates a new free folder for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view folder current

Returns the name of the current free folder for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view folder current <free_folder_name>

Sets the current free folder for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view folder delete <free_folder_name> <recursive>

Deletes a free folder from the current view. It can be recursive or not.

hwbrowsermanager view folder empty

Returns the value of the flag for whether or not empty free folders are shown.

hwbrowsermanager view folder empty [true|false]

Sets the value of the flag for whether or not empty free folders are shown.

hwbrowsermanager view folder expand ?recursive<true|false>?

Expands the current folder. The recursive option will expand the children of the current folder too.

hwbrowsermanager view folder keepchildrenfoldersinorderascreated [true|false]

Sets the current free folder’s children free folder sorting method. If true (default for new free folder), while sorting, children free folders will be ordered by name. If false, while sorting, children free folders will be not be reordered and will be retained according to the sequence in which they were created.

hwbrowsermanager view folder style [true|false]

Sets a style to the current free folder and all its child folders for scripted columns for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view group children [true|false]

Sets the state of children grouping for the lists connected to the folders and sub-folders in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view italic [enabled|disabled]

Sets the italic font state for the current column in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view list create <datasource_name>

Creates a new list off of a datasource for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view list current <datasource_name>

Sets the current list for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view list delete <datasource_name>

Deletes a list from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view list expand ?recursive<true|false>?

Expands the current existing list in current folder. The recursive option will expand any lists in the children of the current folder too.

hwbrowsermanager view list group <true|false>

Sets the state of grouping for the lists connected to the folder for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view list names <true|false>

Returns all of the list names for the current view. If set true, the search is performed for all folders and sub-folders under the root. If set false, the search is performed only for the folders under the root.

hwbrowsermanager view list style <true|false>

Sets the list style for current list of the current folder in current view. If set true, the custom style connected to the current folder is used. If set false, the default_style will be used.

hwbrowsermanager view operation create <view_operation>

Creates a view operation for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view operation current

Returns the current view operation for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view operation current <view_operation>

Sets the current view operation for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view operation connect

Connects the current data operation for the current view operation for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view operation script <Tcl_script_name>

Sets a Tcl script function for the current view operation for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem caption

Returns the caption of the current popup item for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem caption <caption>

Sets the caption for the current popup item for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem container create <container_name>

Creates a container for the current popup item for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem current

Returns the current popup item for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem current <popup_name>

Sets the current popup item for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem leaf create <leaf_name>

Creates a leaf for the current popup item for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem delete <popup_name>

Deletes a popup item from the current popup item for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem names

Returns the names of all popup items for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem operation viewoperation <operation_name>

Connects a view operation to the current popup item in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view popupitem separator create

Creates a seperator for the current popup item in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property connect <ds_prop_name>

Connects the current view property to a datasource property for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property connected

Returns the names of all of the connected view properties for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property create <view_prop_name>

Creates a view property for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property current

Returns the current view property for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property current <view_prop_name>

Sets the current view property for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property delete

Deletes the current view property from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property names

Returns the names of all of the existing view properties for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property type

Returns the type of the current view property for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property type [integer|double|string]

Sets the type of the current view property for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view property script <update_script> <get_script>

Sets the update and get property scripts for the current view property for the current view. This aids the user in getting and updating the values to show in browser instead of using data properties.

hwbrowsermanager view selection <single|multiple>

Sets the selection type as single selection or multiple selection for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view selection dataitem [names|ids] <view_property_name>

Returns the selected data item names/ids with the given (name/id) view property name for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view selection datasource names

Returns the datasource names for any selections in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view sort [ascending|descending]

Sets the sort mode for the current column in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view sort [enabled|disabled]

Sets the sorting state for the current column in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view style connect

Connects the current view style in the current view to the current folder.

hwbrowsermanager view style create <view_style_name>

Creates a new view style called view_style_name in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view style current

Returns the current view style for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view style current <view_style_name>

Sets the current view style for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view style delete

Deletes the current view style in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view style names

Returns the names of all of the existing view styles for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view tree create <datasource_name>

Creates a hierarchical datasource for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view tree current <datasource_name>

Sets the hierarchical datasource “datasource_name” as current in the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view tree delete <datasource_name>

Deletes a hierarchical datasource from the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view tree group <true|false>

Sets the grouping of the current list in the current tree in the current folder.

hwbrowsermanager view tree hide <datasource_name>

Hides a hierarchical datasource in the tree for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view tree names

Returns all of the hierarchical datasource names for the current view.

hwbrowsermanager view tree show <datasource_name>

Shows a hierarchical datasource in the tree for the current view.


An example browser script can be found in the HyperWorks installation at <altair_home>/hm/examples/scripts/browser_example.tcl.

