hwbrowsermanager - view

API to handle the customization and manipulation of the browser window.


hwbrowsermanager window ?options?


HyperMesh Tcl GUI


hwbrowsermanager window collapseall

Collapses all of the items inside the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window collapseselected

Collapses the selected items in the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window create <window_name> <tk_frame>

Creates a new browser window inside an existing Tk frame and makes it the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window current

Returns the name of the current browser window.

hwbrowsermanager window current <window_name>

Sets the current browser window.

hwbrowsermanager window delete

Destroys the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window expandall

Expands all of the items inside the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window expandselected

Expands the selected items in the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window find

Searches for all the items which match a given search criteria in the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window frame

Returns the name of the frame for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window names

Returns all of the window names.

hwbrowsermanager window part create <part_name> ?<parent_part_name>?

Creates a new window part inside of the parent frame of the given window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part createproc <proc_name>

Sets the create procedure for the current window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part current

Returns the name of the current window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part current <part_name>

Sets the current window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part current toplevel

Sets the main frame as the current part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part delete

Deletes the current window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part frame

Returns the frame path of the current window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part info

Returns all parts information under the current part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part move [up|down|left|right]

Moves the current window part to the up, down, left, or right of it’s immediate window part neighbor in the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part names

Returns the names of all of the window parts for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part packproc <proc_name>

Sets the pack procedure for the current window part for the current window. By default the pack procedure is row packing.

hwbrowsermanager window part move <position>

Moves the current window part to the given position and follows that position during all packing of co-parts for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part parent <parentpart_name>

Moves the current window part from its current part to a given parent part frame for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part show

Returns the display state of the current window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window part show [true|false]

Sets the display state of the current window part for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window map create <map_name>

Creates a window map to locate image icons for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window map current

Returns the name of the current window map for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window map current <map_name>

Sets the current window map for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window map delete

Deletes the current window map for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window map names

Returns the names of the window maps for the current window.

hwbrowsermanager window map record create <key> <value>

Creates a new map record in the current window map for the current window. A window map type must first be defined and set, using the window map type command, before a record can be created. The key value pair must reflect the type pairs defined in the current type. For example if the type is "bool, icon", then the key must of type "bool" and the value must be of type "icon".

hwbrowsermanager window map record delete <key>

Deletes a map record in the current window map for the current window at a given key.

hwbrowsermanager window map record names

Returns the names of the window map records for the current window map. The current map and map type must be set before any window map record names can be returned.

hwbrowsermanager window map type [bool|integer|string|unsigned] [icon|string|rgb]

Sets the map type of the current window map for the current window.


An example browser script can be found in the HyperWorks installation at <altair_home>/hm/examples/scripts/browser_example.tcl.

