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Block Format Keyword

/ANALY - Analysis Flags


Defines the type of analysis and sets analysis flags.























hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition




Analysis type

Default = 0  (Integer)

= 0: tri-dimensional

= 1: axisymmetrical

= 2: plane strain


Parallel arithmetic option flag


= 0: default set to 1

= 1: parallel arithmetic option is ON

= 2: parallel arithmetic option is OFF


Subcycling shell elements flag


= 0: no subcycling

= 2: subcycling option n2 - in RADIOSS Starter Input file is only necessary in order for the RADIOSS Starter to allocate additional memory.

1.If N2D3D 0, for example; for axisymmetrical and plane strain analysis, the elements must be defined in YZ plane and their normals have to be in the positive x-position.
2.In axisymmetrical analysis (N2D3D =1), Y is the radial direction and Z is the axis of revolution. In plane strain analysis (N2D3D =2), X is the plane strain direction.
3.If parallel arithmetic flag is set ON, the same numerical results will be obtained irrespective of the number of processors used. This result is not guaranteed in case of incompatible kinematic conditions in the model.
4.Subcycling option n2 (new option) may be used in cases where some solid parts have a very low time step compared to the shell structure and the shell structures represent a significant percentage of the number of elements.
5.Subcycling option n2 needs to be activated with the /SHSUB keyword in the RADIOSS Engine Input Manual. Subcycling may then be activated but not during the run, it is possible to make a run with subcycling and to switch after restart without subcycling, and vice versa.

See Also:

Example 7 -  Pendulums

Example 8 - Hopkinson Bar

Example 19 - Wave Propagation