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Block Format Keyword

/FRAME/MOV2 - Moving Frames


Describes moving frames. Relative motion with respect to a reference frame. Moving frame definition differs from /FRAME/MOV (Comment 8).
























hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition




Reference frame identifier - must be different from all skew identifiers.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)


Reference frame title

(Character, maximum 100 characters)


Node identifier N1



Node identifier N2



Node identifier N3


1.Let a moving reference frame symbol_vt(A,u,v,w).
2.For each time t, the frame position and orientation are determined via its original position xA and a rotation (orientation) matrix R.
3.Let w be the instantaneous rotational velocity of symbol_v.
4.For each time t, the local coordinates xl of a point M with respect to the frame are related to its coordinates xG into the global system, as follows:

5.The relative displacement of M between time 0 and t, with respect to the frame is related to its displacement with regard to the global system, as follows:

6.The relative velocity of M with respect to the frame is related to its velocity with regard to the global system, as follows:

Rvl = vG - ve

Where, is the driving velocity; that is the velocity of the point coincident with M at time t and fixed with respect to the reference frame.

7.The relative acceleration of M with respect to the frame M is related to its acceleration with regard to the global system, as follows:

Where, is the driving acceleration and is the acceleration, due to Coriolis forces.

8.For a moving reference frame, the reference frame position and orientation vary with time and are defined by N1, N2 and N3.

The origin of the frame is defined by the position of N1.

node_ID1and node_ID2 define Z’

node_ID1 and node_ID3 define X’’


Reference frame identifier must be different from all skew identifiers.

See Also:

Skew and Frame (/SKEW & /FRAME)