In this group, tools like transformation, frames, skews, and curve are introduced.
Groups |
Keywords |
Description |
Transforms |
Coordinate of a group node could be transformed in global reference system. |
Defines a rotation for a node group around a defined axis, center of rotation and rotation angle. |
The coordinate of a node group could be scaled with scale factor base on scale in global reference system. |
Defines a symmetry for a node group normal to the plane which defined by a vector. |
Defines a translation for a node group with a defined vector. |
Frames |
Fixed Frame to measure relative motion with respect to local reference. |
Moving Frame to measure relative motion with respect to local reference. |
Moving Frame to measure relative motion with respect to local reference. The difference between /FRAME/MOV and /FRAME/MOV2 is the way to define local reference system. |
Use node to define the local reference system for a moving frame. |
Skews |
Defines fixed skew, which is a projection reference to define the local quantities with respect to the global reference. |
Defines fixed skew, which is a projection reference to define the local quantities with respect to the global reference. |
Defines fixed skew, which is a projection reference to define the local quantities with respect to the global reference. The difference between /SKEW/MOV and /SKEW/MOV2 is the way to define local reference system. |
Curves |
Used to define function. |
Used to scale and shift the function. |
Used to define n dimension table. |
SPH particle reserves, it is used to define inactive particles and these particles will be activated by inlet conditions, if necessary. |
Other Tools |
Deactivation/activation of element groups. |
Used to add non-structural mass to nodes or a group of nodes. |
Used to encrypt input data by HyperWorks FEA Pre-Processors. |
Describes the Lagrange multiplier option. |
Describes the definition of exchanged FEM. |
Describes the definition of links to Madymo's bodies. |
Activate or deactivate an object (rigid body, interface, section, gauge, etc.) according to the defined characteristics (time, displacement, force, etc.). |