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Bulk Data Entry

LOCATE – Defines Subcase-specific Part Location within the Global Part


The LOCATE Bulk Data Entry can be used to define the location of a part in the global structure. Each LOCATE entry should reference a unique part name. LOCATE Bulk Data Entries are activated in each subcase by the LOCATE Subcase Entry.














































Set identification number.

(Integer > 0)


This field specifies the unique name of a part that is to be attached to the global part (Comment 2). It should match the name of one of the parts defined using the BEGIN, FEMODEL, name entry.

(Character String)


ID of a RELOC bulk data entry. This field defines the actual location of the part in the final model via the RELOC entry.

Default = Blank (Integer > 0)


1.The use of subcase-specific part location via LOCATE entries is only allowed for Linear Static solution sequences.
2.LOCATE entries supersede INSTNCE entries. However, a minimum of one INSTNCE entry is always required (to identify the global part).
3.All LOCATE entries should only exist within a global part and no LOCATE entry can reference the name of a global part on the “name” field.
4.The full model consists of several parts, one part is designated as global and the rest of the parts are attached to the global part using LOCATE entries. The global part can have an arbitrary name (it is identified by the presence of INSTNCE entries). A minimum of one INSTNCE entry should always be present in the model.
5.Each LOCATE entry, activated for a specific subcase should reference a different part name. However, not every part has to be defined using an LOCATE entry. Such parts are still contained within the full model without any relocation (INSTNCE entries are not used during the solution).
6.At the beginning of each subcase with this functionality, all parts are reset to their original locations (as in the input deck). Then all active LOCATE entries apply relocations to specific parts.
7.The CONNECT entry is not subcase-specific, therefore its usage is only sometimes appropriate for LOCATE subcases. CONNECT entries are processed only once (at the start of the solution sequence), using part locations defined by any present INSTNCE entries. These relocations are later discarded, but part connectivity remains fixed for all subcases. In order to change connectivity between parts, subcase specific selectors (MPC, Rigid elements, CWELD and so on) should be used (see SUBMODEL control entry to activate subcase-specific selectors).
8.Each subcase in this solution sequence generates separate H3D output files.

See Also:



Bulk Data Section

Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries

Bulk Data Entries by Function

The Input File