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Subcase Information Entry

WEIGHT - Optimization Parameter


The WEIGHT command can be used in the Subcase Information section to define a weighting factor (multiplier) for the compliances of individual linear static solution subcases, which are used in the calculation of the "weighted compliance" and "combined compliance index" optimization responses.


WEIGHT = value




The multiplier to be used for the compliance of this subcase in the calculation of "weighted compliance" or "combined compliance index."

Default = 0.0 (Real)


1.Refer to Responses in the User's Guide for more information on "weighted compliance" and "combined compliance index" optimization response calculations.
2.WEIGHT is only used in conjunction with DRESP1, RTYPE = WCOMP, COMB.
3.If a WEIGHT is not defined in any subcase, but a DRESP1 with RTYPE = WCOMP or COMB exists, all static subcases are assigned a WEIGHT of 1.0 by default.
4.The WEIGHT Subcase Information Entry can be used in EXPDYN subcases; however, the weights are always internally set equal to 1.0, regardless of the value specified in the input deck. DRESP1, RTYPE=WCOMP is supported for ESL-Nonlinear Response Optimization.
5.This entry is represented as an optimization response in HyperMesh.

See Also:

Subcase Information Section

The Input File