MotionView User's Guide

Contacts Panel

Contacts Panel

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Contacts Panel

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The Contacts panel allows you to specify the attributes of a contact force between two bodies.  Each body is represented by a set of graphics entities.  The graphics entities could be a point, a set of curves, or the outer surfaces of the bodies depending on the type of contact that is chosen.

To add a Contact, right-click the entityContacts-24 icon on the toolbar.


From the Add Contact dialog, select a Contact type from the drop-down menu (3D RigidToRigidContact, 2D RigidToRigidContact, or PointToDeformableSurfaceContact), and click OK.

The corresponding Contacts panel is displayed.


Contacts panel - 3D Rigid to Rigid Contact


Contacts panel - 2D Rigid to Rigid Contact


Contacts panel - Point to Deformable Surface Contact

The Contacts panel contains the following contact types:

3D Rigid to Rigid Contact

Use this type of contact to capture contact forces between rigid bodies moving relative to each other in a 3D frame.

2D Rigid to Rigid Contact

Use this type of contact to capture contact forces between rigid bodies moving relative to each other in a 2D plane.

Point to Deformable Surface Contact

Use this type of contact to capture contact forces between a deformable surface and a sphere of radius (r), where the sphere belongs to a second body. Flexbody to flexbody or flexbody to rigid body contact can be modeled by creating many of these entities where the set of spheres represent a discretization of the second body’s outer surface.

See Also:

Contacts Post_Processing

Best Practices for Running 3D Contact Models in MotionSolve

Create Curve from Points/Nodes Macro

Geometry Cleanup for Contact Modeling

Force_Contact (MotionSolve XML Command)

Force_PTdSF (MotionSolve XML Command)