MotionView User's Guide

Create Curve From Points/Nodes

Create Curve From Points/Nodes

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Create Curve From Points/Nodes

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The Create Curve From Points/Nodes macro allows you to create curve graphics from a set of selected points or nodes.  The generated curve graphics can be used to setup 2D Rigid to Rigid Contact or Advanced Joints, such as Point to Curve or Curve to Curve Joint.

Based on the selected set of points or nodes belonging to a File Graphic or CAD Graphic, this macro creates a 3D Cartesian curve and a Curve Graphic.


Macros Menu > Create Curve From Points/Nodes




Use the System collector to select the the system in which you want to place the curve graphics.


Use the Body collector to select the body with which the curve graphics will be associated.


Allows you to input the prefix for curve and the curve graphics that will be automatically created.

Open/Closed curve

Allows you to leave the ends of curve open OR generate a closed curve by automatically joining the first and the last point/node.


Use the Point/Node collector to select the points/nodes that will be used to generate the curve.

Use the Remove button to remove single/multiple selections of points/nodes from the panel list.

The All select_all_icon, None select_none_filter, and Reverse reverse_selection_icon options options are also provided to allow you to quickly select a set of points/nodes from the list already selected in the panel that you would like to remove from the panel.


Use the Create button to run this macro and create the curve and the graphics once you are done selecting the points/nodes and providing other details related to the curve.


See Also:

Curves Panel

Curve Graphic

2D Rigid to Rigid Contact