MotionView User's Guide

Curves Panel

Curves Panel

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Curves Panel

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The Curves panel allows you to add and edit curves.  In MotionView, a curve entity is used to capture non-linear characteristics of forces and motion or to describe constraint paths for high-pair joint types.  A 2D curve is used to represent the non-linear characteristics of forces or motion and a 3D curve can be created to use in a higher pair joint (see the Advanced Joint – PointtoCurve and Advanced Joint - CurvetoCurve topics).

Refer to the Reference Entity – Curves topic located in the MotionView Entity Manual to learn more about 2D and 3D Curves.

The x, y (and z) data vectors for a curve can come from any of three sources – File, Math, or Values.  For example, the x-data vector can come from a file, and the y-data vector can be defined as a mathematical function of x.


Curves panel

The Curves panel contains the following tabs:




Curves can be exported to a .csv file using one of the following formats:

ADAMS Spline
Altair Binary
XY Data
X Graph
Excel Europe


Curves that are referenced in expressions should reference varname.x and varname.y.  For example, crv_o.x.

In MotionView, you need to reference the varname of the curve to access its vector (crv_0.x).  In HyperGraph, you can access the vector of a curve using X directly or the page-window-curve syntax, for example p1w1c1.x.

hmtoggle_plus1To add a curve to a model:
1.From the Project Browser, select the system to which the curve is to be added.
2.Right-click on a system folder in the Project Browser and select
Add > Reference Entity > Curve from the context menu.


-Right-click on a curve folder in the Project Browser and select Add Curve from the context menu.


-Right-click the Curves button entityCurves-24 on the Reference toolbar.

The Add Curve dialog is displayed.

3.Assign a label to the curve in the Label field.

The curve label can be changed at any time.

4.Assign a variable name to the curve in the Variable field.

The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.

5.Enter any notes in the Note text box
6.Click Apply.
7.Click OK.

The curve is added to the model.

hmtoggle_plus1To export a curve from the Curves panel:
1.Select a curve in the Project Browser.

The Curves panel is automatically displayed.

2.Click Export Curve.

The Export curve dialog is displayed.

3.Select a file type from the Type drop-down menu.
4.In the File text box, enter the name of the curve, or accept the default.
5.Click the file browser button to select a folder in which you want to save the file.
6.Click OK.
hmtoggle_plus1To read x-y data from a file into a curve:
1.Select a curve in the Project Browser.

The Curves panel is automatically displayed.

2.Select the Properties tab.
3.Select the x radio button.
4.From the drop-down menu, select File.
5.Click the file browser button, mv_open_file_icon_small, to select a data file using the file browser.
6.Use the Type, Request, and Component selectors to select the column data to use as the x data for your curve.
7.Select the y radio button.

If your curve previously had no y data source, MotionView automatically defaults to the y-data source to the same data file selected for x.

If you want to load the y data from a different file than the default, use the file browser to select a new file, otherwise, proceed to the next step.

8.Use the Type, Request, and Component selectors to select the column data you want to use as the y data for your curve.
9.Click Apply.

The curve is displayed in the window.


See Also:

In the HyperGraph on-line help:

File as a Data Source

Math as a Data Source

Values as Data Source