MotionView User's Guide

File Graphic

File Graphic

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File Graphic

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Location: Graphics panel - Connectivity tab


Graphics panel – Connectivity tab for a graphic file component

Graphical Source

Select the graphic file.


The components from the graphic file.  If all components are required, select All.  If various components are required, select them from the list.


The body associated with the graphic.

Set Label to
Component Name

Changes the label name to the component name.

Mesh Scheme

Allows you to control the level of discretization of the graphic when used for contact.  From the drop-down menu, select one of the following:



This option reduces the most resolution from the triamesh.



This option reduces some resolution from the triamesh.



This option reduces the resolution of the trimesh slightly.



This option does not change the resolution of the triamesh.


See Also:

Location Tab

Visualization Tab