MotionView User's Guide

Joints Panel - LuGre Parameters Tab

Joints Panel - LuGre Parameters Tab

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Joints Panel - LuGre Parameters Tab

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The LuGre Parameters tab allows you to define the LuGre parameters on a non-compliant joint with friction enabled.  This tab applies to Revolute, Translational, Cylindrical, Universal, and Ball joints and it is only available for the MotionSolve solver mode.


Joints panel – LuGre Parameters tab with default values

MotionSolve uses the LuGre (Lundt-Grenoble) model for friction.  Refer to the MotionSolve Force_JointFriction modeling statement for additional details.

Each attribute and option available in this tab is described in the table below:





Restore Default Values

Uses default values for the LuGre parameters.


All parameters are set to default and will be exported to the solver.

Bristle Stiffness

Specify the bristle stiffness in the LuGre model.


Models the stiffness resisting micro-deformation in the friction element.

Damping Coefficient

Specify the damping coefficient for the pre-displacement (or stiction) regime.


Damps out bristle vibrations in the pre-displacement regime.

Viscous coefficient

Specify the coefficient for the viscous damping force that occurs when relative sliding actually begins.


Responsible for the increase in friction force with the increase in the slip velocity.

See Also:

Joints – Friction Properties Tab

Force_JointFriction (MotionSolve XML Format Model Statement)