MotionView User's Guide

Modal Force Panel

Modal Force Panel

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Modal Force Panel

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The Modal Force panel allows you to include a distributed force on a flexible body that exists in the modal form in the flexible body H3D.


Modal Force panel

hmtoggle_plus1To Add a Modal Force Entity Using the MotionView Toolbar:
1.From the Project Browser, select a container entity folder (such as System, Assembly, Analysis) into which the entity is to be added.
2.Locate the Modal Force icon on the MotionView toolbar (mouse over the icon to display a tool tip text).
3.Right-click on the icon.


Right-click to Add a Modal Force Entity

4.The Add Modal Force dialog is displayed, which allows you to specify various information about the entity being added to the model. Click here to learn more about this dialog.
5.Click OK to add the Modal Force entity to the model and close the dialog.

See the Entity Manual topic for additional information regarding adding and modifying entities.

hmtoggle_plus1To Add a Modal Force Entity Using the MotionView Project Browser:
1.From the Project Browser, right click on a container entity folder (such as System, Assembly, Analysis) into which the Modal Force entity is to be added.

The browser context menu is displayed which contains menu items to add entities.  These entities are grouped based on various classifications.  To add a Modal Force, select Add > Force Entity > Modal Force.


Right-click on the Container Entity to Add a Modal Force Child Entity

2.The Add Modal Force dialog is displayed, which allows you to specify various information about the entity being added to the model. Click here to learn more about this dialog.
3.Click OK to add the Modal Force entity to the model and close the dialog.

See the Entity Manual topic for additional information regarding adding and modifying entities.

The Modal Force panel contains the following tabs:





In order to add a distributed force on a flexible body, the force needs to be included in the flexible body H3d during the CMS flex body generation process.  The force can be a generic force on a set of nodes, or a pressure load on a set of elements or a thermal loading.

Once the force is available in the flexible body, the force can be scaled with regard to time or a solver function expression using the Properties tab.

See Also:

Force_FlexModal (MotionSolve XML Format Model Statement)