MotionView User's Guide

Motions Panel - Properties Tab

Motions Panel - Properties Tab

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Motions Panel - Properties Tab

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From the Properties tab, you can define the magnitude of a motion either as a constant value or as a non-linear value using a 2D Curve, Spline3D, or Expressions.


Motions panel - Properties tab




constant value of displacement, velocity, or acceleration.


motion expressed in the form of a displacement, velocity, or acceleration curve that is a function of an independent variable.  Generally, the independent variable is a function of TIME.


Select AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR , or QUINTIC under Interpolation as the method of interpolation of between two data points in the curve.   Enter a value under Independent variable.  Resolve the curve by clicking Curve and selecting a curve from the Select a Curve dialog.

When using curve data; a curve, interpolation method, and an independent variable must be specified in the form of a solver expression.  The solver expression may refer to MotionView attributes specified in the Templex syntax.


Motion expressed in the form of a 3D spline which is a function of two independent variables.


Select AKIMA, CUBIC, LINEAR, or QUINTIC under Interpolation as the method of interpolation of values between 2 data points in XY plane. Resolve the 3D spline by clicking on the Spline3D collector and selecting a Spline3D entity from the Select a Spline3D dialog.  Specify an expression each under Independent variable X and Independent variable Z.


displacement, velocity, or acceleration expressed in the form of a solver expression.



How do I...

Define non-linear properties

Define non-linear properties using expressions

Defining Non-linear Properties Using Curves