MotionView User's Guide

Solver Arrays Panel - User-Defined Tab

Solver Arrays Panel - User-Defined Tab

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Solver Arrays Panel - User-Defined Tab

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The User Defined tab can be used to specify the user subroutine related information in a Plant Input or a Plant Output Solver Array.


Solver Arrays panel – User-Defined tab

The following properties are available in the User-Defined tab:

User expr

An expression containing the USER function with parameters that call the user subroutine.

Use local file and function name

Activate the check box to specify a local file containing a subroutine.  See Function Type (below) for a list of supported subroutine type.  If this option is not specified, MotionSolve will search for a subroutine following its User Subroutine Loading Rules.

Function Type

The type of subroutine.  A DLL (SO in Linux), Python, and Matlab are all types of subroutines which are supported by MotionSolve.

Local File

Provide a file name containing the subroutine based on the Function Type selected.

Function name

The name of the function within the subroutine to be called by the solver.  If no function name is provided, MotionSolve will search for the default function PINSUB for Plant Input and POUTSUB for Plant Output.