Engineering Solutions

Define Boundary on: Node Sets

Define Boundary on: Node Sets

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Define Boundary on: Node Sets

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The Define Boundary on: Node sets option defines various types of boundaries on node sets. The node set names are used in the *BOUNDARY data lines instead of the individual nodes. Unlike Abaqus surfaces in Engineering Solutions, you can combine node sets with individual node IDs in the same *BOUNDARY card.

Note:Engineering Solutions does not graphically display loads created on sets.  Therefore, when you review a load collector in the Step Manager, only loads created on individual entities are highlighted. For loads defined on sets, the underlying nodes or elements are highlighted.



This dialog contains a Node sets menu with a list of the existing node sets.  It also has a table for data line input containing the following columns:


The name of the node sets. Node sets can only be added or deleted from this column using the ab-step-man-right  or ab-step-man-left  buttons, respectively.

1st dof

The first degree of freedom. You can input any integer or any of the following types in this column:


Last dof

The last degree of freedom.


The magnitude.

Load Id

The ID of the load collector


The Define tab for Define Boundary on: Node sets contains the following buttons:

Review Set

Reviews the selected node sets by highlighting them in the Engineering Solutions graphics. Right-click the Review button to clear the review selections.

Create/Edit Set

Opens the Entity Sets panel in Engineering Solutions.  When you finish creating/editing the set, click return.  The Step Manager is updated with the new set appearing in the node set list.


Add the selected node set from the pull down menu to the data line table on the right.


Delete the selected node set from the data line table.


Reviews the selected node set in the data line table.  Right-click Review to clear the highlighted selections.


Updates the Engineering Solutuions database with the data lines defined in the table.  By default, Engineering Solutions does not create a display for loads defined with sets.

Display/Review from panel

Opens the appropriate Engineering Solutions panel. Use the Review button to expand the loads and constraints on the sets for visualization purposes.


For tips on entering information and navigating in the Define tab, see Step Manager Tab Environment.


See Also:

Load Step: Boundary: Define Tab