Engineering Solutions

Define Load Step: CLOAD-Force/Moment on: Nodes or Geometry

Define Load Step: CLOAD-Force/Moment on: Nodes or Geometry

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Define Load Step: CLOAD-Force/Moment on: Nodes or Geometry

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The Define CLOAD-Force/Moment on: Nodes or geometry option allows you to define *CLOAD (force or moment) on individual nodes or geometry.  The concentrated loads created on nodes have special graphical display in Engineering Solutions.  Loads created on geometric entities such as surfaces, lines, or points are automatically mapped to FEA mesh on export.  They can also be mapped using the Map Loads on Geometry button.



The Define tab for Define CLOAD-Force/Moment on: Nodes or geometry contains the following buttons:

Define from 'Forces'/‘Moments’ Panel

Opens the Forces or Moments panel to create/update a CLOAD.

To create a CLOAD on nodes, go to the create subpanel, select nodes using the switch, pick the desired nodes from graphics, select the global/local system, select a vector, input a magnitude, and click create.

To create a CLOAD on geometry, go to the create subpanel, select points using the switch, pick the desired geometry from  graphics, select the global/local system, select a vector, input a magnitude, and click create.


Loads created on geometric entities are automatically mapped to FEA mesh on export.  You can also map them using the Map Loads on Geometry button.
You can also update an existing force or moments from the update subpanel.
While you are in the forces or moments panel, press the h key to view panel-specific help.
When you finish creating or updating CLOAD, click return to update Step Manager with the new loads.

Map Loads on geometry

Opens the Loads on Geom panel to map loads on geometry to FEA mesh entities.

Click Map loads to map all geometric loads in the current load collector to FEA entities.


You can also pick other load collectors by clicking on the loadcols button and map loads in all of them together.
While you are in the Loads on Geom panel, press the H key to view panel-specific help.
When you are finished, click return to update the Step Manager with the new loads.



See Also:

Load Step: CLOAD Tab