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A point is a zero-dimensional geometry entity. There are two different types of points in Engineering Solutions; free points and fixed points.

A free point is a zero-dimensional geometry entity in space that is not associated with a surface. It is displayed as a small "x". These types of points are typically used for weld locations and connectors.

A fixed point is a zero-dimensional geometry entity that is associated with a surface.  It is displayed as a small "o". The automesher places a node at each fixed point on the surface being meshed. A fixed point that is placed at the junction of three or more non-suppressed edges is called a vertex or vertex point. Such vertices cannot be suppressed (removed).

The following panels can be used to create and edit points:

Quick Edit

Point Edit

The data names associated with points can be found in the data names section of the HyperMesh Reference Guide.


See Also:

Geometry Terminology

CAD Interfacing

Geometry Functionality

Include Files

