Engineering Solutions

Safety Panels

Safety Panels

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Safety Panels

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These panels are located inside of the Safety module.

0-D (masses)

Creates or updates mass elements.


Create or modify block the entities used by many crash solvers.

check elems

Verifies the quality of elements. Checks warp, aspect, skew, angles, length, jacobian, connectivity, and duplicates.

control vol

Creates control volumes.


Allows you to rotate the dummy assemblies or specify the position of the H-Point of a dummy assembly.


Creates and modifies single or multiple ellipsoids and cylinders.

fe joints

Creates, reviews, or updates joints.


Creates and modifies interfaces that define a contact or sliding surface.

joint dof

Allows you to rotate the dummy assemblies or specify the position of the H-Point of a dummy assembly.

MBS joints

Define kinematic joints between two local coordinate systems to connect two multibody collectors

MBS planes

Create rectangular, planer surfaces for use in multi-body analysis.

output block

Creates and updates blocks of entities used for output requests.


Checks groups for initial penetration problems.

rigid walls

Creates and updates rigid walls.


Allows you to create and route seatbelts onto a dummy.


Creates and edits sensors.