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Sum Menu

Sum Menu

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Sum Menu

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The Sum menu contains options that execute the PAM-CRASH 2G summary templates and display the resulting text file in a viewer. The following macros are included.

Components All/Dis

Execute the components_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Materials All/Dis

Execute the materials_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Elements All/Dis

Execute the elements_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Center Of Gravity

Execute the ctr_of_gravity_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Moment Of Inertia

Execute the moment_of_inertia_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Interfaces All/Dis

Execute the groups_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Non Struct Masses All/Dis

Execute the nsmas_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Property ALL

Execute the property_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

Sensors ALL

Execute the sensors_txt summary and show the results for the complete/displayed model in a viewer.

See Also:






