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PowerPoint Beta

PowerPoint Beta

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PowerPoint Beta

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The PowerPoint Beta feature allows you to select several options when saving your current session to a Microsoft PowerPoint file, thus giving you more control over how your current session will look before it is published to PowerPoint.  The options you select overwrite any settings you have in HyperWorks Desktop or the Session browser.  This feature can be accessed by selecting File > Publish Session > Legacy > PowerPoint Beta.

PowerPoint Beta allows you to:

Use a Master POT template for your PowerPoint presentation.
Capture high-quality images and position them in your presentation.
Set font sizes for most of the objects in the PowerPoint file.
It provides several options for image types and H3D export options.
Select the pages or windows that you want to publish.
Some capabilities from the MVP toolbar are also included, such as Increment Fonts.  This feature allows you to quickly and easily manipulate the font sizes for various entities.

The options you select from PowerPoint Beta tool will be seen only in the exported PowerPoint file, not in the current HyperWorks Desktop windows.

When you are finished selecting options, click Save from the PowerPoint Beta dialog.  HyperWorks Desktop generates a PowerPoint file, 2003.ppt, and a .vbs file.  The .vbs file can be used in Windows to generate the PowerPoint file if the Publish PowerPoint Beta option is used on MAC or Linux.  To do this, copy the .vbs file and all directories generated to a PC and double-click the .vbs file.


Application Expectations

The following are generated when publishing from each application using PowerPoint Beta:

HyperMesh – Image only
MotionView – Image only
HyperView – Image or H3D file
HyperGraph – Image only
TextView – Editable text box (if your text expands outside the window, it will extend outside the text box in PowerPoint).
MediaView – Image only



Please note that some of the options in the PowerPoint Master POT template are not currently supported.

hmtoggle_plus1greyExport Options

power_point_beta_export _options

PowerPoint Beta dialog - Export Options tab

PowerPoint master

Use the file browser to select a PowerPoint Master Template *.pot file.  See Limitations above.

Title attributes

Allows you to:

Use a separate text box in PowerPoint for the HyperWorks page name.
Position the header text box.
Set the font attributes for the text box.
Use the title attributes in the PowerPoint Master file for the HyperWorks page name.

Picture resolution

Allows you to define the picture resolution. Select from the following options:

Optimized for presentation resolution.  This option sets the slide resolution.  This is normally used for presentations on various kinds of screens/resolutions. The width and height are automatically calculated when you select this option.
Fixed picture resolution.  Sets a fixed picture resolution upon export.  This is an advanced option for the user who wants to capture the image at low or high resolution, but wants the picture resolution in the PowerPoint file to be set to a fixed resolution.  

H3D animation export options

Select Use H3D export for all animations, if desired.  Once selected, you may choose from the following options:



Maximum % loss

Indicates the suggested amount that the model's values can be perturbed when compressed.  The value you provide will be compared to the results of an error estimation function to allow our compression algorithm to maintain an acceptable level of accuracy for your data.  However, even a percentage of zero may result in some loss due to minute rounding errors.


All models

Exports all the models in the window to individual files, when two or more models are loaded.

The active model will be exported to the file name shown in the dialog.  All inactive models will be exported using the following naming convention: <filename>.x.h3d (where "x" increases incrementally as required).  For example, the active model is exported as LSP.h3d, while the other (inactive) models  are exported as LSP.1.h3d, LSP.2.h3d, and so on.

The resulting exported H3D files are complete files which can be used independently.  These files can be abstracted from the original session that exported them and used in a new session.

To read the exported files back into HyperView, they must be loaded one file at a time using the Overlay option on the Load Model panel.


Entity attributes

Outputs specific attributes assigned to the model's entities, such as color, transparency, and so on.  If de-selected, the default attributes will be used when the file is loaded.


Include Masked Elements

If selected, all masked elements are exported with the model.


View Attributes

Outputs all attributes assigned to the model during a HyperView session.  If de-selected, the default attributes will be used when the file is loaded.



Creates an HTML file to use in HyperView Player.


Preview Image

Exports a preview image of the file.



Exports any animation settings applied.



If selected, the result values are exported with the model.  If not selected, only the model and animation are exported.


Regarding exporting CFD data to an H3D file:

If there is a streamline created for at least one rake, the exported H3D file contains the datatypes/datasets used by the CFD/Streamlines panel.  In addition, all of the rake definitions and streamline settings/display options are captured in the H3D file.
If there are no streamlines available in the model, the exported H3D file will not contain any datatypes/datasets solely used by the CFD/Streamlines panel.  In addition, none of the rake definitions or streamline settings/display options will be captured in the H3D file.

Page Settings

Select Export each window to a separate page to export each page or window from your HyperWorks Desktop session to a separate page in the PowerPoint file.

hmtoggle_plus1greyPage Selection


PowerPoint Beta dialog - Page Selection tab

Pre Selection

Select the page(s) or window to export.  Options include Current Window, All Pages, Current Page or Last Selection.

Selection Options

Use the icons to select the pages and windows to export.

Clickselect_allto select the entire list of pages and/or windows.
Click select_none_filter to deselect your current selections.
Click reverse_selection_filter exchange the currently selected design variables

Selection Tree

Individually select each page or window from the tree.

hmtoggle_plus1greyVisual Positioning


PowerPoint Beta dialog - Visual Positioning tab

Title Position

Allows you to position the title from the left edge and the top of the page.

Height and Position

Allows you to position the graphic area from the left and right, and set the height.

Width and Position

Allows you to position the graphic area from the left and right, and set the width.

hmtoggle_plus1greyFont Settings


PowerPoint Beta dialog - Font Settings tab

Increment session fonts

Allows you to individually increment the font size for each attribute in the session (Notes, Axes, Headers, and so on).

Font size for the entire session

Sets all entities (Notes, Axes, Headers) to the same font and also allows you to incrementally increase or decrease their font size.

Increment font size of selected entities

Select specific entities and incrementally change the font size for them by +/- 1.


See Also:

Publish Session