Use the following tools for post processing computational results from a Fit:
ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) is a technique used to estimate the error variance and determine the relative importance of various factors. In HyperStudy, an ANOVA can only be performed on Least Squares Regression Approximations. ANOVA is used to identify which variables are explaining the variance in the data. This is done by examining the resulting increase in the unexplained error when variables are removed. The following definitions are useful in describing ANOVA concepts. For a given set of input values, denoted as , the Fit predictions at the same points are denoted as . The mean of the input values is expressed . For a Least Squares Regression, p is the number of unknown coefficients in the regression. The following three values are defined as follows:
In the ANOVA tab, the following quantities are computed in the process of performing the ANOVA. Degrees of FreedomNumber of terms in the regression associated with the variable. All degrees of freedom not associated with a variable are retained in the Error assessment. More degrees of freedom associated with the error increases the statistical certainty of the results: the p-values. Higher order terms have more degrees of freedom; for example a second order polynomial will have two degrees of freedom for a variable: one for both the linear and quadratic terms.
Sum of SquaresFor each Variable rows, the quantity shown is the increase in unexplained variance if the variable were to be removed from the regression. A variable which has a small value is less critical in explaining the data variance than a variable which has a larger value. The Error row entry represents the variance not explained by the model, which is . The entry in the Total row, which is , will generally not equal to the sum of the others rows.
Mean SquaresThe ratio between unexplained error increase and degrees of freedom, computed as the Sum of Squares divided by the associated degrees of freedom.
Mean Squares PercentThis quantity is interpreted as the relative contribution of the variables to the Fit quality, computed as the ratio of the Mean Square to the summed total of the Mean Squares. A variable with a higher percentage is more critical to explaining the variance in the given data than a variable with a lower percentage.
F-valueThe quotient of the mean squares from the variable to the mean squares from the error. This is a relative measure of the variable’s explanatory variance to overall unexplained variance.
p-valueThe result of an F-test on the corresponding F-value. The p-value indicates the statistical probability that the same pattern of relative variable importance could have resulted from a random sample and that the variable actually has no effect at all (the null hypothesis). A low value, typically less than 0.05, leads to a rejection of the null-hypothesis, meaning the variable is statistically significant.
Diagnostics assist in assessing the accuracy of a Fit. In the Diagnostic tab, quantities are displayed in three columns.
The following definitions are useful in describing diagnostic concepts. For a given set of input values, denoted as , the Fit predictions at the same points are denoted as . The mean of the input values is expressed . For a Least Squares Regression, p is the number of unknown coefficients in the regression. The following three values are defined as follows:
R-SquareR-Square, commonly called the coefficient of determination, is a measure of how well the Fit can reproduce known data points. Graphically, this can be visualized by scatter plotting the known values versus the predicted values. If the model perfectly predicts the known values, R-Square will have its maximum possible value of 1.0, and the scatter points will lie on a perfect diagonal line, as shown in the image below. More typically, the Fit introduces modeling error, and the scatter points will deviate from the straight diagonal line, as shown in the image below. The value of R-Square decreases as errors increase and the scatter plot deviates more from a straight line. The main interpretation of R-Square is that it represents the proportion of variance within the data which is explained by the Fit. For example, if R-Square = 0.84, then 84% of the variance in the data is predictable by the Fit. The higher the value of R-Square, the better the quality of the Fit. In practice, a value above 0.92 is often very good and a value lower than 0.7 necessitates investigation using other metrics. If R-Square is 1.0, you should be skeptical of this result unless the data was expected to be perfectly predicted by the Fit. There are some cases in which R-Square can be negative. A negative R-Square value indicates that using the raw mean would be a better predictor than the Fit itself; the Fit is very poor quality. In the work area, these numbers are presented with a spark line to indicate the relative value of the number (values typically vary between 0 and 1). Values are color coded based on the following:
R-Square is defined as:
R-Square Adjusted (Least Squares Only)Due to its formulation, adding a variable to the model will always increase R-Square. R-Square Adjusted is a modification of R-Square that adjusts for the explanatory terms in the model. Unlike R-Square, R-Square Adjusted increases only if the new term improves the model more than would be expected by chance. The adjusted R-Square can be negative, and will always be less than or equal to R-Square. If R-Square and R-Square Adjusted differ dramatically, it indicates that non-significant terms may have been included in the model. R-Sqaure Adjusted is defined as: In the work area, these numbers are presented with a spark line to indicate the relative value of the number (values typically vary between 0 and 1). Values are color coded based on the following:
Multiple R (Least Squares Only)Multiple R is the multiple correlation coefficient between actual and predicted values, and in most cases it is the square root of R-Square. It is an indication of the relationship between two variables.
Regression Equation (Least Squares Only)The complete formula for the predictive model as a function of the input variables.
Relative Average Absolute ErrorA comparison of the average predicted error and the spread in the data itself. A low ratio is more desirable as it indicates that variance in the Fit’s predicted values are dominated by the actual variance in the data and not by error. Relative Average Absolute Error is defined as: Maximum Absolute ErrorThe maximum difference, in absolute value, between the observed and predicted values. For the input and validation matrices, this value can also be observed in the Residuals tab. Maximum Absolute Error is defined as:
Root Mean Square ErrorA measure of weighted average error. A higher quality Fit will have a lower value. Root Mean Square Error is defined as:
Number of SamplesThe number of data points used in the diagnostic computations.
Confidence Intervals (Least Squares Only)Confidence intervals consist of an upper and lower bound on the coefficients of the regression equation. Bounds represent the confidence that the true value of the coefficient lies within the bounds, based on the given sample. Enter a specific confidence value in the field that displays when you click , as shown in the image below. A higher confidence value will result in wider bounds; a 95% confidence interval is typically used. T-value is defined as: where βj is the corresponding regression coefficient (the Values column) and SE is the standard error. The standard error is defined as: SE = and: where Cjj is the diagonal coefficient of the information matrix used during the regression calculation. P-values are computed using the standard error and t-value to perform a student’s t-test. The p-value indicates the statistical probability that the quantity in the Value column could have resulted from a random sample and that the real value of the coefficient is actually zero (the null hypothesis). A low value, typically less than 0.05, leads to a rejection of the null-hypothesis, meaning the term is statistically significant.
Residuals help to identify errors for each design. In the Residuals tab, the error (and percentage) between the original output response and the approximation is listed for each run of the input, cross-validation, or validation matrices. Use the Find and Sort options in the right-click context menu to search for specific cases. Switch between the input and validation matrix residuals from the menu that displays when you click (located above the Channel selector). View the Percent Error column with caution when the values of the output response approach zero. In this situation, the Percent Error can be very high and potentially misleading.
See Also