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Load Cases

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Load Cases

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In RADIOSS the following load cases are available. Stress/strain as initial state could be considered by modeling, as well as pressure, gravity, and thermal load. Also, different denotation/explosive loads can be defined with /DFS keywords. ALE, CFD and SPH condition (kinematic condition, pressure condition) are also available in this group.

Load Case Types



Initial Conditions


Describes initial state of brick element. Initial state could be stress, strain, density, energy, failure criteria, fill percentage, and so on.


Describes initial state of QUAD element. Initial state could be stress, plastic strain, density and energy.


Describes initial state of shell element. Initial state could be stress, strain, failure criteria, thickness, and so on.


Defines the initial line crack position.


Used to include the .sty file in model as initial state input.


Defines initial temperature in node or node group.


Defines initial translation or rotation velocity in node group.


Defines initial volume fractions of different materials in multi-material ALE elements.


Used to include .sta file as initial stress state.



Defines a concentrated force load on each node of node group in translational direction.


Defines gravity load on node group.


Defines a load which is computed according to the rotational velocity around an axis.


Defines hydrodynamic pressure on a structural surface (like parachute).


Defines pressure load on a surface.



Defines free or forced convective flux for thermal exchange.


Defines the imposed radiation flux to environment for thermal exchange.

Reference State


Used to represent reference geometry (in airbag) as element based geometry.


Used to represent reference geometry (in airbag) with reference state file (RunnameRS0) which is as node based geometry.


Used to represent reference geometry (in airbag) as flat node based geometry.



Enables explosive material ignition from a detonation line [A,B]. Node A and B are defined with coordinate.


Enables explosive material ignition from a detonation line [A,B]. Node A and B are defined with node ID.


Defines planar detonation wave with propagation direction, detonation velocity, lighting time and containing basis point (with coordinate).


Defines planar detonation wave with propagation direction, detonation velocity, lighting time and containing basis point (with node ID).


Locates the detonation point (with coordinate) and set lighting time for an explosive material law.


Locates the detonation point (with node ID) and set lighting time for an explosive material law.


Enables to model laser impact, due to laser-matter interaction.


Used to shape detonation wave due to obstacles.



Used to set elementary boundary condition, like pressure, energy, velocity and density.


Used to set elementary boundary conditions, due to communication flux (as in airbag).


Defines ALE Rigid Wall and thermal conductivity is taken into account, if close to this rigid wall.


Defines general SPH inlet or outlet conditions and Non-Reflective Frontiers.

ALE and CFD Constraints


Used to define fix DOF or free DOF on grid velocity and Lagrange mesh.


With ALE links on grid velocities, given nodes are linked to the given master grid velocities.

SPH Constraints


Defines SPH symmetry boundary condition (kinematic condition).