
Connects coedges of existing faces into a single edge.


bool GeomCoedgesConnect(
const HM_EntityGeomCoedge& coedge1,
const HM_EntityGeomCoedge& coedge2,
int& orient_code,
bool  check_tol,
double equiv_tol


HyperMesh Ext API


If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to first coedge object that was returned by previous calls to API function.
[in] - Handle to second coedge object that was returned by previous calls to API function.
[in/out] - Specifies mutual orientation of connected edges. This parameter can have one of following values.
1: Coedges are connected in the same direction. “Head” of the first coedge is connected to the “head” of the second coedge. “Tail” of the first coedge is connected to the “tail” of the second codge.
-1: Coedges are connected in opposite directions. “Head” of the first coedges is connected to the “tail” of the second coedge. “Tail” of the first coedge is connected to the “head” of the second coedge.
0: Mutual orientation of coedges is checked geometrically before connecting. On output, parameter contains the value 1 or -1 depending on how mutual orientation was determined.
[in] - Specifies whether coedges equivalence should be verified before connecting. This parameter can have one of following values.
false - Edges equivalence is not checked.
true - Edges equivalence is checked using the equivalence tolerance specified by the parameter equiv_tol.
[in] - Specifies equivalence tolerance. If the number is negative or zero then equivalence tolerance is set automatically. This parameter is ignored if check_tol is false.

