
Returns first coedge connected to the edge.


bool GeomEdgeGetFirstCoedge(
const HM_EntityGeomEdge & edge,
HM_EntityGeomCoedge * & coedge,
bool& dir_sense,
bool& face_sense


HyperMesh Ext API


The function GeomEdgeGetFirstCoedge can be used together with the HM_ExtAPI::GeomCoedgeGetNextOnEdge() function to iterate through the list of all connected to the edge faces. Alternatively, the function HM_ExtAPI::GeomEdgeGetCoedges() can be used to get the whole list. Using the functions HM_ExtAPI::GeomEdgeGetFirstCoedge() and HM_ExtAPI::GeomCoedgeGetNextOnEdge() helps to avoid memory allocation.

If the function succeeds, the return value is true. If the function fails, the return value is false. To get extended value information, call HM_ExtAPI::GetLastErrorCode().

Requires including hm_extapi.h.


[in] - Handle to edge object that was returned by previous calls to API functions.
[out] - The handle to one of coedges connected to the edge. The handle is NULL if edge is not connected to any faces.
[out] - The flag that indicates coedge direction with respect to edge direction. The value of true indicates that coedge direction coincides with the direction of the edge. The value of false indicates that coedge direction is opposite to the direction of the edge.
[out] - The flag that indicates at which side the coedge is connected to associated face “wing”. The value of true indicates that corresponding coedge has associated face on its left. The value of false indicates that corresponding coedge has associated face on its right.

